• Overview

Using the EPIC Model in Asian Cities

The EPIC (Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities) network model has a proven track record of identifying win-win community-university partnerships –– by first asking communities what they need and want and then matching those needs to existing faculty courses and programs of study.

EPIC-N, in partnership with UNEP’s Global Adaptation Network and START, is pleased to offer a virtual learning workshop on the EPIC model for Asian countries.

On 25 – 27 May 2021 at 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Thailand Time) for each day, this virtual event will provide a unique opportunity for collaborating pairs of individuals representing municipal governments and corresponding local universities to gain skills on the use of the EPIC-N model to strengthen capacities for climate change adaptation and resilience in the city and return home with a work plan to implement it. 

More information about the 2021 EPIC Asia workshop is available here: www.epicn.org/events/using-the-epic-model-in-asian-cities/

Further information about EPIC-N: www.epicn.org