• Overview

When: Thursday 16 November at 9:00-10:00am (GMT+8)
Where: Persada Johor International Convention Centre, Malaysia. Room: Tanjung Puteri 305

This is an official side event of the Asia Pacific Climate Week 2023.

This side event will bring together experts, practitioners and locally-led adaptation (LLA) implementers to elaborate on the scale of the needs, opportunities as well as barriers faced, while accessing finance for implementing LLA. This session will explore enabling environments and accelerators to channel finance for implementing adaptation actions by communities. There is no one-size-fits all approach to financing and operationalising LLA, rather, opportunities need to be explored to identify various delivery mechanisms for different local contexts that can also influence systemic change.

The specific room for this event may be subject to change. Check the interactive programme here for the latest.

For more information, contact Anna.Kilponen@un.org