17 Sep 2020 Press Release

EPIC model comes to Asia: Building sustainability with city-university partnerships

Are you a university or municipality that wants to strengthen climate resilience or sustainability in your city? The EPIC model has a proven track record of building sustainability by forming key partnerships between city officials and local universities!

We are pleased to share information with you about an upcoming training opportunity through the EPIC Network to gain skills and understanding of how cities and universities can more effectively partner to address critical challenges related to climate change adaptation and resilience. The interested city managers or officers/university researchers/faculty members are invited to apply as a pair.

The online EPIC-Asia workshop, available to cities and universities in the Asia-Pacific region, will take place on 8-9 March 2021. The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for you to be paired with a university researcher/faculty member/local government/municipality partner to gain skills in the use of the EPIC model for strengthening capacities to achieve more effective university-city partnerships. 

Through this workshop, participants will be a part of a growing network in Asia-Pacific committed to forging stronger partnerships between universities and cities to address local sustainability challenges.

In that spirit, the EPIC model looks to build upon and strengthen existing or interested partnerships within local communities, and so we’re asking for the names of counterparts on both the city and university sides in the application form. Together, the suggestions for projects can be further elaborated upon in the training and with the potential of seed grant funding to help get some of the projects started.

We welcome your application to the EPIC-Asia training workshop. Click here for additional information about the EPIC Asia workshop and the application form.  

The application is due on 1 November. We look forward to hearing from you. For more information or questions, please contact Mzime Murisa at mmurisa@start.org

Thank you.