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UN Environment Programme and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre have developed a series of briefing notes to guide programming on ecosystem-based adaptation.
The EbA Briefing Note Series aims to foster a common understanding of key concepts, issues and considerations to help design, plan and implement successful EbA initiatives. It highlights issues, trade-offs and tensions that need to be addressed to enable EbA to form part of – and contribute to – the wider landscape of climate change adaptation in the context of sustainable development.
When a proven ecosystem restoration method also helps reduce poverty and build economic resilience, governments will often back them as a win-win solution.
The subnational capacity building project for the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in Costa Rica, supported by UN Environment, has received US$ 2,861,917 in funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
Costa Rica seeks to urgently strengthen the planning frameworks and processes at the subnational level, to address current and future climate change challenges.
Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme
There is something in the air. I am not talking about pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. I am talking about the change humanity needs to address these and other environmental challenges, which have placed our planet and societies in imminent peril.
Buying carbon credits in exchange for a clean conscience while you carry on flying, buying diesel cars and powering your homes with fossil fuels is being challenged by people concerned about climate change.
People in the coastal districts of the eastern Indian state of Odisha are increasingly suffering from the effects of climate change. Most households in the area are dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods from fishing, forest foraging and paddy cultivation.
Between March and April 2019, two devastating cyclones hit the coast of Mozambique. Only six weeks apart, tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth killed hundreds of people and left 1.85 million more stranded with no homes, food, water or basic infrastructure.
“Supposing doesn’t fill the grain basket; if doesn’t fill the larder.” This African proverb sends an equivocal message—to see a change, we must act.
Mauritania has launched its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, followed by a two-day capacity building workshop held by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
Climate Change & Security
Humanity faces major challenges, be it war, poverty or disease. The special characteristic of climate change is that, by making ecological and economic systems more fragile, it makes all these problems harder to solve. For this reason, climate change has been described as a ‘threat multiplier’.
“Farmers always think with their eyes,” goes the saying. For communities living according to when, or whether, the rains come, it is practical solutions — not words — that count.
Practicality certainly counts in Darfur, a region of Sudan where reduced rainfall has produced a steady southward march of the Sahara desert. The reduced rainfall is itself a product of erratic and varied weather patterns caused by climate change.
Afghanistan is home to a vast number of rugged, snow-capped mountain ranges. But instability and conflict still disrupt daily life, and the Taliban maintain their grip on at least 60 per cent of the country.
Leyla Acaroglu was 19 years old when, sitting in her first design lecture, she heard something that would change the way she saw the world forever.
Burundi, Chad and Sudan are home to some of the world’s largest displaced populations and vulnerable communities.
Burundi’s Gitega Province, which has one of the country’s highest population densities, hosts several thousands of people in refugee settlements and camps. About 96 per cent of families use fuelwood as a primary energy source for cooking.
Beira, one of Mozambique’s oldest cities and the country’s fourth largest, is in ordinary times a spectacular port city overlooking the Indian Ocean.
Founded in the 19th Century by the Portuguese, the city’s landscape is dotted with buildings which evoke memories of colonial architecture in the world’s second largest Lusophone country.
“You are stealing our future.”
When Swedish 16-year-old Greta Thunberg first spoke out, she was alone. On Friday, 15 March 2019, she was joined by thousands of young people around the world, as demonstrations gathered momentum in the Belgium, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Kenya, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and beyond.
They are speaking out and their voices are thundering: “Act now!”
Many people across the world, including schoolchildren, are demanding bolder action on climate change by governments, businesses and investors. There are tremendous opportunities here to “think beyond, solve different,” transform our economies, and change the way we live.
‘Seawater is coming into our farms and killing the plants’
The water from the wells in Kisakasaka used to be so salty that it would turn people’s teeth yellow. Children, no matter how thirsty, would often refuse to drink. But with no other water source in this farming village near Zanzibar’s capital Stone Town, around 1,000 residents were forced to drink increasingly salty water that gave them headaches and nausea.
It was the first international ice hockey game ever played in Kenya. It was also historical because it was organized to call attention to the impact of Climate Change - in Kenya and around the world.
A staggering number of young Gambians have lost their lives trying to escape to Europe. UN Environment is implementing the largest natural resource development project in the history of the country to make their lives better back home.
Unsustainable food systems are threatening human health and environmental sustainability. We need to change the way we farm—and our diets.
There are more of us, we’re getting wealthier, and we’re demanding more protein-rich foods, such as meat. In the long run, this is simply not sustainable.
The students at Kingani school in the Tanzanian town of Bagamoyo used to have two choices for drinking water at school: get sick or remain thirsty.
Eating less meat, flying less, or opting for renewable energy can accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. But why aren’t more people doing this? What are the barriers to low carbon consumption?
Behavioural science can help us understand how people process, respond to, and share information to identify the drivers that transform awareness to action, and action to sustained behaviour change.
Climate change, deforestation and rising sea-levels have been causing devastating rice shortages for Cambodia’s coastal communities. UN Environment is supporting the Cambodian government in their attempts to promote alternative livelihoods to overcome these challenges.
UN Environment and partners are working in Africa to boost agricultural production, create jobs, and counter climate unpredictability.
Showing 276 - 300 of 331