• Overview
  • Contact

When: Thursday, 2 June 2022 from 14:30 – 18:30 CEST / 08:30 – 12:30 EDT

Where: Virtual, register here:  online registration form (before 23rd May).

The day’s theme is The Future of Ecosystem-based Adaptation:  Enhancing cross-sectoral collaboration and identifying new opportunities for a resilient future. 

This EbA Knowledge Day will focus on analyzing the latest, cross-sectoral developments related to EbA in policy, practice, research and financing. Participants will discuss outlooks and priorities for EbA, identify opportunities for capitalizing on EbA action to date, and explore innovative avenues for maximizing adaptation benefits in the future. The day will include input by high-level officials, panel discussions, and interactive thematic sessions. A detailed programme will be shared in due course with all registered participants and published on both the FEBA and Adaptation Community webpages. 

Please note that access to the virtual conference will be for registered participants only. To register, please complete the online registration form by Monday, 23 May 2022. 

If you have any questions, please do reach out to Emily Goodwin: Emily.Goodwin@iucn.org