• Overview

When: Tuesday 9 May at 14:00-15:00 (East Africa Time)
Where: Online. Register here.

In recent years, there has been an increase in attention towards the linkages between the climate and biodiversity crises. One sign of this change is the recent focus on nature-based solutions for climate and other challenges, as exemplified in the 2022 United Nations Environment Assembly resolution on nature-based solutions. More specifically, there’s a growing recognition around the world of the importance of ecosystem restoration for climate adaptation.

This webinar will explore a recent UNEP policy brief, titled Seven Lessons on Using Ecosystem Restoration for Climate Change Adaptation. The brief examines a range of examples where restoration has led to increase climate resilience, including seven lessons types of lessons learned. The publication was prepared for the Global EbA Fund, an exciting opportunity co-managed by UNEP and the International Union for Conservation of Nature to promote innovative approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation.

For more information, contact norah.ngeny@un.org