Sudan’s water crisis and the women fighting back

Farmer Nima Elmassad noticed the weather changing around seven years ago. In Sudan’s southern White Nile State, the rains began coming later and falling inconsistently. During the long, harsh dry season, her children had to travel three hours per day to collect water, and all but one dropped out of school. The family donkey that towed their water wagon became progressively weaker.

How Cop27 influenced the race to adapt to climate change

There was a lot at stake when more than 35,000 climate experts, negotiators, scientists and hopeful activists attended the UN Climate Change Conference (Cop27) from 6-16 November in Egypt this year. The whole world looked on, eager to see tangible agreements on how to tackle climate change in a year that has seen record-breaking heatwaves across the Northern Hemisphere, persistent droughts in the Horn of Africa, and extraordinary flooding in South Asia.

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