Meet the team

Showing 76 - 83 of 83

83 results found

Camilla supports the Global Environment Facility (GEF) portfolio of Climate Change Mitigation projects, especially projects and programs of Europe and the Caribbean regional portfolio, including project development and implementation in the areas of electric mobility, climate transparency, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable cities.

Tania works on GEF Global Climate Change Mitigation projects.

Alphonse Mutabazi is a home-based Consultant for Climate Change Enabling Activities 

Marcellus supports the GEF climate change mitigation enabling activities projects.


Bret supports the portfolio on project development and coordination. He lectures on Environmental Health in the Master of Public Health track at New York University, previously consulting for UNEP, as well as WHO and several NGO’s including Pure Earth. Bret is an American national and holds degrees in Environmental Sciences and Development Studies. 

Categorized Under: Chemicals & WasteStaff

Mariarosa supports the portfolio though her work on IMPR. She is no stranger to UNEP, having worked within the Corporate Services Division and Economy Division for several years. Mariarosa is an Italian national with degrees in Economics and International Development and Cooperation. 

Categorized Under: Chemicals & WasteStaff

Rocío supports the portfolio Task Management. Prior to UNEP, she worked for UNIDO on artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) and cocoa production. Rocío is a Spanish national and holds a BA in International Relations and Politics and an MA in International Business Management. 

Categorized Under: Chemicals & WasteStaff

Natalie is an environmental engineer with over 15 years of experience in conservation, spatial analysis, Integrated Water Resources Management, and project design and implementation. She has extensive experience working with cooperation agencies, indigenous and rural communities, in multidisciplinary teams and with the public sector.

Categorized Under: International WatersStaff

Showing 76 - 83 of 83