Outlooks and Scenarios

This section of the sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook report figures covers six chapters that discuss the vision for 2050 and the pathways towards sustainable development. These chapters also examine scenarios and possible approaches to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Future Developments Without Targeted Policies 

  1. Figure 21.1 Clusters examined in this chapter and the targets considered 
  2. Figure 21.2 Projections for total population (left) and urbanization 
  3. Figure 21.3 Future projections in total GDP per region in SSP2 
  4. Figure 21.4 Future projections for yield (top left) 
  5. Figure 21.5 Future projections in global undernourished population 
  6. Figure 21.6 Future projections of relative local species 
  7. Figure 21.7 Projections of primary energy demand 
  8. Figure 21.8 Increase in Co2 emissions and total GHG emissions in 2010a 
  9. Figure 21.9 Global average and global spatial increase in temperature 
  10. Figure 21.10 Projections of future emissions for air pollutants SO2 
  11. Figure 21.11 Projected under-five mortality rate in 2030 
  12. Table 21.12 Percent of countries by region projected 

Pathways Toward Sustainable Development 

  1. Figure 22.1 The scenarios from the Roads from Rio+20 study 
  2. Figure 22.2 The clusters looked at in this chapter 
  3. Figure 22.3 Percentage change in non energy crop production 
  4. Figure 22.4 Emissions of CO2 
  5. Figure 22.5 2010-2050 energy intensity improvement 
  6. Figure 22.6 Different pathways leading to a temperature 
  7. Figure 22.7a Top Global first part 
  8. Figure 22.7b Top Global second part 
  9. Figure 22.8 Percentage of the population exposed to particulate matter of 2.5 µm 
  10. Table 22.9 
  11. Figure 22.10 Temperature increase in 2100 

Bottom-up Initiatives and Participatory Approaches for Outlooks 

  1. Figure 23.1 Outline of how Chapter 23 bottom up approaches 
  2. Figure 23.2 The number of initiatives covered 
  3. Figure 23.3 The SDGs represented proportionally 
  4. Figure 23.4 SDGs targeted by the total 
  5. Box 23.4a 
  6. Box 23.4b 
  7. Figure 23.5 Actor type by percent for seeds and CoLab Proposals 
  8. Figure 23.6a Regions covered by CoLab proposals. 
  9. Figure 23.6b 
  10. Figure 23.7 How each theory of change 
  11. Figure 23.8 
  12. Figure 23.9 
  13. Figure 23.10 
  14. Figure 23.11 Total number of workshop seeds and CoLab proposals 
  15. Figure 23.12 Total number of workshop - energy, climate air 
  16. Figure 23.13 Total number of workshop - freshwater and oceans 
  17. Figure 23.14 Total number of workshop seeds and CoLab proposals 
  18. Figure 23.15 
  19. Figure 23.16 
  20. Figure 23.17 Seeds and Proposals by Cluster 
  21. Figure 23.18 
  22. Figure 23.19 Conceptual framework for mutually beneficial 
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