Member States

In March 2022, Member States approved Resolution EA.5/3, which requested the Executive Director to start the process of developing the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO). Member States are crucial actors throughout the GEO process, which is an intergovernmental, but expert led process.

In the GEO-7 process, Member States have been involved in the following ways:   

  • The Steering Committee on the Future of GEO was made up of 36 Member States, and it carried out the mandate given to it by UNEA-4 in Resolution 4/23 by submitting an options document to UNEA 5.2. The 'Future of GEO' process, launched at the fourth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly under UNEP/EA.4/RES.23, was launched to develop options for the future of GEO.
  • Member States approved Resolution EA.5/3, which requested the Executive Director to start the process of developing GEO-7.  
  • They participated actively together with representatives from key stakeholders and experts, in the Ad hoc Open-Ended Meeting of the Assessment Procedures and Supporting Functions of the Global Environment Outlook Meeting that focused on the review and adoption of the GEO assessment procedures and the second Ad Hoc Open-Ended Meeting that focused on the review and adoption of GEO-7 scoping document.  
  • They selected representatives of Member States who are a part of the Intergovernmental and Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (IMAG).  
  • They are invited to nominate experts for the Multidisciplinary Expert Scientific Advisory Group (MESAG), authors, reviewers and fellows, as well as collaborating centres.  
  • They will be participating in the peer-review processes, both for the main report and the Summary for Policymakers (SPM).
  • They will review and approve the SPM in 2026 at an ad-hoc open-ended meeting convened by the Executive Director upon request by UNEA.  
  • They will approve the GEO-7 assessment report for it to be launched at UNEA-7.   
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