
Showing 101 - 110 of 136

136 results found

Air Transport and Fate

The 11th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2013) was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK from 28 July to 2 August 2013.

Partnership Advisory Group

Relevant meeting documents:

PAG5 Meeting Report

Meeting Documents

PAG.5.1 Provisional Agenda

PAG.5.2 Annotated Agenda

Supply and Storage

Meeting documents:

The concept note and draft agenda English / Spanish

Cement Industry

The United Nations Environment Programme and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) organized the launch of the new work area of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership to address mercury releases from the cement industry. The launch event was held from 18-19 June 2013 in the International Environment House II, Geneva, Switzerland.

Purpose of the meeting 


Hosted by the Government of Kenya, the project inception workshop was held on 18-19 December 2012 and attended by all stakeholders. The meeting provided participants with a better understanding and role clarification of the project objectives, methodology, outputs and outcomes. The various participants presented their respective contributions to the project and the national project coordinators presented their respective project workplans. 

Supply and Storage

The Kyrgyz Republic operates, in the town of Khaidarkan, the last primary mercury mine known to export mercury to the global market-place. It represents approximately 10% of the global mercury market. Generating new primary mercury is considered by the international community as the least preferred source of mercury supply, and action to assist the Kyrgyz Republic to transition away from primary mining has been recognized as a priority.

Supply and Storage

The meeting was aimed at gaining a better understanding and role clarification on the mercury storage and disposal project objectives, design, outputs and outcome. The project aims to promote the environmentally sound storage and disposal of surplus mercury in Mexico and in Panama. The main outcome of the project is a national action plan on mercury storage and disposal in Mexico and Panama.

Partnership Advisory Group

The following documents from the PAG 4 are available: 

PAG4 Meeting Report

Meeting Documents

PAG.4/1 - Provisional Agenda 

Supply and Storage

Bringing together all relevant stakeholders, the workshop assessed the situation and existing challenges to the management of mercury in the region. The purpose was to explore environmentally sound solutions. It provided a forum for knowledge sharing and aimed to inform mercury management authorities and experts.


Regarding the sound environmental management of mercury, the following conclusion were made:

Partnership Advisory Group

The third meeting of the Partnership Advisory Group was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 5-6 November 2011

PAG3 Meeting Report 

Meeting documents

PAG.3/1 - Provisional Agenda 

Showing 101 - 110 of 136