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Video Products

[ French / English ] CNN explique comment les niveaux élevés de mercure présents dans certaines crèmes éclaircissantes pour la peau peuvent affecter la santé des personnes qui les utilisent ainsi que contaminer l'environment de leur maison.

Tool Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

The Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, in collaboration with the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) and with financial support from the European Union, launches Minamata Tools, a set of interactive training modules designed to explain the Convention and assist in the fight against mercury pollution.

Video Products
Video Products

[ French ] Les amalgames dentaires communément appelés plombage contiennent du mercure, un composé très toxique pour les hommes et pour l'environnement. Les organismes au niveau global (OMS et le Fonds pour l'environnement UN Environment Program) préconisent sa réduction voire son élimination. Découvrez pourquoi à travers cette vidéo.

Report Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

The publication explores "opportunities for generating co-benefits through coherent implementation of the Minamata Convention and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework".

Factsheet Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

Check out this infographic to learn more about how toxic mercury impacts biodiversity and human health all around the world.

From human-made sources, this highly hazardous chemical accumulates in many ecosystems, such as tropical forests, mangroves, oceans and the Arctic, leading to detrimental impacts on biodiversity.

Video Products

The Global Mercury Partnership and its two areas of work on mercury in products and waste management, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, organized an online webinar on 18 December 2023.

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Learn what is in beauty products by exploring the Beautywell database and its Knowledge Hub webpage.

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The New York City Department of Health Health topic webpage on mercury in soaps and creams lists some skin-lightening creams and medicated soaps that have been found to contain high levels of mercury.

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This webpage from the European Chemicals Agency lists substances which are banned from use in any cosmetic products marketed for sale or use in the European Union.

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The California Department of Public Health webpage presents information (also in Spanish) and lists of resources on mercury in skin creams.

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Report Products

The project Eliminating Mercury Skin Lightening Products (SLPs) was developed to reduce the risk of exposure to mercury added products through activities targeted at better regulation, reducing production, trade and distribution, capacity-building, awareness-raising

Video Products

Reinforcing the health sector’s commitment to the implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury: The showcase of GEF-UNEP-WHO projects on mercury-added products


Video Products
Guidance Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Products

This course explores the different forms of mercury and its compounds with their respective sources, environmental distribution, toxicological aspects, and prevention measures. In addition, it introduces the Minamata Convention and Resolution 67.11 (2014) of the World Health Assembly (WHA), and its considerations on public health aspects related to mercury.

Report Products

The sale and trade of mercury-added skin lightening products (SLPs) have continued despite widespread sampling, reporting, awareness campaigns, and legal prohibitions, including a global treaty ban.

Report Products

World Health Organization (WHO) and the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention jointly conducted an online survey on the measures taken to phase down the use of dental amalgam. The preliminary results are now available as an Appendix to the Information Document UNEP/MC/COP.5/INF/30/Rev.1

Tool Products

[ English / French ] Protocol for Sampling and Analyzing Skin Lightening Products for Mercury

Factsheet Products
Video Products

The Global Mercury Partnership and its Area of work on Mercury in Products, in collaboration with the Clean Lighting Coalition and the Zero Mercury Working Group with the support of the Government of Switzerland organized an

Report Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

The objective of this report is to analyse, in response to decision MC-4/12, how the implementation of the Minamata Convention can contribute to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and to identify opportunities for coherent and mutually supportive implementation to generate co-benefits for the GBF and the Minamata Convention.

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