Climate-Friendly Investment in Argentina

Accelerating public and private climate-friendly investments for resilient development

Mobilising adequate financial resources to implement priority measures is crucial for the success of NDC implementation. In this context, the NDC Action project identifies and analyses financial instruments that can support the implementation of Argentina’s climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives in two prioritised economic sectors. As needed, the project facilitates and provides inputs to the development of climate-friendly investment plans in the respective areas of action through different activities.

For instance, the project will scope out a toolbox of adaptation finance options with a focus on leveraging climate-smart private sector investments. The project will also work towards engaging domestic financial institution through targeted trainings and business dialogues. The results of the above-mentioned analyses will serve as a basis for project concept notes for future funding opportunities.

Guided by the Climate Change Directory of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the NDC Action project’s work programme is currently under development. Depending on concrete support needs and the availability of funds, project activities may be added or modified.