Climate-Friendly Investment in Colombia

Accelerating public and private climate-friendly investments for resilient development

Fedesarollo, a Colombian research and advisory think tank with expertise in economic and policy analysis, leads the technical work of the NDC Action project in Colombia. Fedesarrollo is conducting a financial analysis across all NDC sectors to build a roadmap that will enable public and private investments in the priority sectors. During the first phase of the analysis, Fedesarrollo conducted more than 30 interviews and held consultation meetings with actors from the private and public sectors, including the main financial institutions. This part of the analysis provided relevant government officials with a deep understanding of the main opportunities and barriers to securing large scale mitigation and adaptation financing in Colombia.

The second part of the analysis is the roadmap that focuses on setting up the institutional structures and processes that will enable public and private funds to support mitigation and adaptation goals. The roadmap includes a framework with objectives, responsibilities, timelines, and financial instruments to fund climate change projects, across sectors.

To bring climate initiatives to financial closure Fedesarrollo is providing recommendations to the Ministry of Environment on how to structure a public agency that will serve as a climate project structuring facility that gathers public funding to fund socially profitable projects.