Climate-Friendly Investment in Costa Rica

Accelerating public and private climate-friendly investments for resilient development

Selection of prioritized sectors was further specified (based on an analysis of decarbonization options, surveys, government priorities and consultations), with food and commerce as subsectors of the overall private sector. The public consultation and the refinement of the methodology for the preparation of sectoral decarbonization and adaptation roadmaps has been carried out first for the decarbonization of the food sector and now the methodology will be piloted in a holistic manner, including the mitigation and adaptation approach for the commerce sector and the inclusion of the adaptation approach for the food roadmap that was developed.

Based on these roadmaps and the cost-benefit studies, an identification of barriers and enabling conditions in the implementation of decarbonization options for energy consumption technologies, refrigerants and air conditioning was developed. This report will be the base to identify actions to support acceleration of technology transition, focusing on access to investments and climate finance.

Once these barriers and enabling conditions are mapped the following activities will be executed:

  • Create a working strategy between the financial sector and the industrial sector for structuring projects and financing instruments in the prioritized sectors in order to structure profitable projects and financing instruments that help in the transition to decarbonizing technologies.
  • Map initiatives under execution or in preparation in the country, financed through international projects, that involve the application of financial instruments that support and/or accelerate the implementation of sector-specific NDCs, and evaluate synergies or complementarities, to identify possibilities for the creation of new financial mechanisms and/or adaptation of existing ones.
  • Facilitate and provide information for the development of at least one financial instrument associated to the previous mapping that favors the implementation of the NDC in Costa Rica in the prioritized sectors if possible.
  • Development of a Guide for the Creation of Investment Plans for the Decarbonization and Adaptation of the private sector.
  • Accompaniment process for different companies to develop and present their investment plans or project proposals to financial institutions and/or national, regional and/or global financing mechanisms.