Accelerating public and private climate-friendly investments for resilient development
Access to finance is fundamental for driving the NDC implementation and raising ambition, but Jordan still faces challenges in securing the financial resources needed to achieve the NDC target. The NDC Action project will support the Government in leading the process for developing climate-friendly investment plans in the two priority sub-sectors; water for agriculture use and solid waste management. The project works towards engaging the national financial institutions to raise their awareness on the opportunities available to mobilizing private sector investments for climate action. In this area the project will support to identify and analyse financial instruments that support and/or accelerate sector-specific NDC implementation.
After consultation with the government focal points from the two ministries; Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and Ministry of Environment, the project team will prepare a training material required for specified group of specialists in the two targeted sectors and specialists from the national financial institutions. The training sessions will be conducted to build the capacity of the participants in developing a full proposal ready for submission for the international Funds.
A concept note on DWATS (Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System) for agriculture was developed and submitted to the Global Ecosystem-based Adaptation Fund (Global EbA), and another proposal will be prepared for mitigation.
The project will continue to support the Government in preparing a full proposal for each of the prioritized sectors aiming at enhancing the country’s resilience and promoting the low-carbon development.