Consultations & Capacity Building in Argentina

Multi-stakeholder consultations, trainings & peer-exchanges for ambitious climate action

Building upon previous support provided by UNEP and UNEP-CCC for enhanced climate transparency and Long-term Strategy development, the NDC Action project seeks to accompany the Argentinian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS) with the design and implementation of ambitious national climate objectives up to 2030 and 2050. Tailored to sector-specific and cross-cutting support needs, and guided by the MADS Climate Change Directory, the NDC Action project’s work programme is currently under development.

Among others, the project seeks to support the multi-stakeholder coordination process embodied in the National Climate Change Cabinet (GNCC, for its Spanish acronym) with the purpose of facilitating inclusive decision-making on climate action by the different government areas of the National Public Administration, the Federal Environmental Council and various actors of the civil society. In addition, the NDC Action team will be providing regular technical support to the Climate Change Directorate on NDC implementation and related areas of action.

Strengthening capacities of relevant stakeholders for steering NDC implementation and revision, and supporting broader awareness raising on ambitious climate action are further components of the envisioned project activities. Lastly, NDC Action facilitates the exchange of best practices and lessons learnt among its Latin American partner countries (Argentina, Costa Rica, Colombia) and beyond, by creating spaces for knowledge sharing through regional dialogues, and by facilitating the country’s contribution to the global stocktake under article 14 of the Paris Agreement.