Consultations & Capacity Building in Colombia

Multi-stakeholder consultations, trainings & peer-exchanges for climate action

The NDC Action project supports the Ministry of the Environment in structuring sectorial NDC Implementation Plans. These plans serve as roadmaps that guide relevant actors across ministries and partner institutions through sectoral needs, achievements, strategic initiatives, and barriers to accomplish each mitigation and adaptation commitment. The government endorses the NDC Implementation Plans through the Climate Action Law.

In addition, the NDC Action team provides daily technical support to the Climate Change Directorate on strategic NDC planning and relevant discussions held on the Inter-Sectoral Commission on Climate Change (CICC), which oversees Colombia's climate change planning and implementation work across multiple levels and sectors.

To raise awareness of the country's mitigation and adaptation goals, the project co-hosted with the Ministry of the Environment and WWF six workshops on the updated NDC and its Implementation Plan. The workshops engaged actors from the private sector, civil society, academia, financial sector, international agencies, and regional authorities.

To enhance NDC knowledge and capacities within the Climate Change Financial Management Committee, workshops on opportunities and barriers for advancing mitigation and adaptation finance were held in September 2021 with the technical expertise of Fedesarrollo - the project’s National Technical Institution. Members of Colombia’s banking association (ASOBANCARIA), development banks, and Green Protocol were among the attendees. 

Following the adoption of the COP26 Glasgow Climate Pact, NDC Action also supports the government in discussions relevant to Colombia’s opportunities and constraints to participate in the cooperation mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. NDC Action also supports in-country discussions on mitigation, adaptation, finance, and loss and damage.

Contributing to the coordination among environmental projects funded by the German International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Colombia, the national project coordinator engages in regular discussions and information exchanges organised by the GIZ-hosted IKI Interface Project “ProNDC”. Regional platforms for the exchange of best practices and lessons learnt in partner countries and beyond will follow.