Consultations & Capacity Building in Uganda

Multi-stakeholder consultations, trainings & peer-exchanges for climate action

The NDC Action project in Uganda provides support to the Ministry of Water and Environment and priority sector line ministries in developing practical NDC Investment Plans. The focus is on utilizing integrated climate solutions to bring about socio-economic transformation in grassroots communities. Although the country already has some existing investment plans, it is essential to refine them to bridge the gaps in implementation and achieve practical benefits for small holder farmers. This is particularly important considering the integrated approaches that combine mitigation and adaptation.

The developed or refined plans will serve as roadmaps to guide both state and non-state actors in achieving the mitigation and adaptation commitments. The project aims to secure the engagement of multiple stakeholders, including high-level officials, and provide them with technical support to strengthen their capacity for NDC implementation. Through capacity needs assessments, targeted training programs will be developed for relevant actors to enhance their skills and raise awareness about NDC implementation.

The project builds upon the existing NDC Implementation Support Actions undertaken by various stakeholders in the country's prioritized thematic areas. This approach allows for the compilation of data on proven effective strategies and models for growth employed by actors on the ground. By leveraging this knowledge, the NDC Action project can develop impactful investment plans that promote climate resilience and socio-economic transformation in grassroots farming communities.

Furthermore, the experience and lessons learned during the implementation of the NDC Action project will be shared among partners, serving as a foundation for enhanced NDC ambition. The best approaches and knowledge generated from the project will also contribute to the global stock-take. The NDC Action project has actively participated in events such as Africa Week 2021, where an affiliate event focused on scaling up NDC actions took place. It has also been involved in the COP 26 event and subsequent meetings with relevant stakeholders in Uganda, particularly in mobilizing and developing concept notes for financing climate solutions in the project's priority thematic areas.