Consultations & Capacity Building in Viet Nam

Multi-stakeholder consultations, trainings & peer-exchanges for ambitious climate action

Collaborating with the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), a series of multi-stakeholder consultative events and political dialogues will be organised to discuss practical steps to improve overall coordination of NDC implementation, present recommendations to more effectively integrate NDC targets into national, sector and sub-national planning processes, and opportunities to set more ambitious NDC targets in order to achieve national net zero commitment by 2050.

Targeted training and capacity building events are being organised to raise awareness on broad climate impacts and solutions, pathways to achieve national net zero and NDC commitments, and deep-dive into technical discussions with policy makers and practitioners in the selected mitigation (sustainable urban cooling) and adaptation (central coastal regional resilience building) sectors.

Knowledge sharing through publications, events and other communication channels is a pertinent component of the project. This will not be limited to national audience within Viet Nam but also across-countries with other partner nations under the NDC Action project.