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The event on 'Enhancing NDCs for more ambitious climate actions' will take place on Tuesday 9th November from 17:00 to 18:00 (GMT). 

This side event will take place in-person and virtually. It will be organised in a hybrid arrangement: some speakers and audience engage onsite from the NDC Partnership Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow while others will participate through a virtual conference platform. Speakers will use PowerPoint presentation materials to be screened on a virtual conference platform.


The side event will share experiences, challenges and key lessons learnt in NDCs enhancement and implementation in countries. It will build upon the NDC support projects undertaken by the UNEP/UDP NDC Action Project, SEI, CTCN and CCAC in the framework of NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) to highlight the collaboration and draw on good practices in the projects.

The targeted audience of the side event includes the NDC Partnership member countries, member institutions, and other non-state actors that are involved in member countries’ NDC process. The experiences and knowledge shared through the side event will help facilitate the other member countries’ more ambitious NDCs implementation.

Event Summary  

Speakers who have been engaging in their NDC projects will provide presentations about their experiences in NDCs revision and implementation. By so doing, the side event will help bring the enhanced NDCs to more ambitious implementation, covering specific topic areas. The topic areas include the fossil fuel and NDCs, integration of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) to NDCs process, translating climate visions to actual actions, and mainstreaming NDCs into the development process of countries. Key guiding questions across the topic areas include:

  • What lessons are learnt from your engagement to accelerate NDCs enhancement and implementation?
  • How to scale up climate actions and finance in your project issue areas? 
  • What type of support from development partners would be most effective to support NDCs implementation and tackle challenges for your topic area? 

The side event will kick off with a short opening remark, followed by a panel discussion with four speakers who will share their experiences, challenges, and key lessons learnt through their engagement in NDCs enhancement and implementation. And, a short Q and A session is planned to respond to questions from the audience.


  • Jérôme Malavelle (NDC Action Project coordinator, UNEP)
  • Miquel Muñoz Cabré (Senior Scientist, SEI)
  • Huyam Ahmed Abdalla (National Designated Entity for CTCN in Sudan, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Physical Development of Sudan) 
  • Chris Malley (Research Fellow, SEI) and Ange Benjamin Brida (CCAC SNAP project coordinator, Cote d’Ivoire)
  • Sumalee Khosla (Climate finance expert, UNEP)


United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP)

Point of contact for the event is Toyo Kawabata toyo.kawabata@un.org (UNEP)