31 Oct 2023 Story Climate change

Climate change training for government employees and consultations for a national Roadmap on Loss and Damage

Climate change training for government employees

During the months of August and September, an online training program on climate policies was delivered with @eco.house and @sustentibilidad_sin_fronteras, thanks to funding from the NDC Action project in Argentina. Through these local partners, adaptation and mitigation issues were worked on together with more than 200 civil servants and technicians from federal government.
The training program was based on a compilation of the needs and concerns that organizations have when addressing climate change, and allowed participants to strengthen knowledge on: the energy transition, climate action in low income areas, financing, green employment and early warning systems.

The course was delivered by local instructors who are currently working on the topics and provided concrete tools to address current cases on public policies, providing specific and practical training on adaptation and mitigation to climate change to strengthen its inclusion in public policies.

On October 31, in the presence of UNEP representatives, the closing workshop was held in person.

A key outcome of this training is expected to be an improvement in the identification of actions to be carried out by each ministerial area, in terms of implementing plans, projects and policies aimed at both mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Roadmap on Loss and Damage for Argentina.

With support of NDC Action project, between the months of March and August 2023, Argentina surveyed key risks and concerns regarding loss and damage for the Latin American region. The work also developed methodologies for the evaluation of losses and damages associated with climate events in Argentina at the national level, as well as a mapping of actors.

The assessment work also produced a work plan that contributes to the institutionalization and gradual consolidation of a mechanism to estimate loss and damage.

Based on this consultancy and with the objective of establishing a mechanism for evaluating losses and damages at the national level, the National Directorate of Climate Change convened the national actors involved, within the framework of the Focal Points Table of the National Climate Change Cabinet (GNCC) and the National System for Comprehensive Risk Management (SINAGIR) to define a framework to be used in the loss and damage mechanism.

These meetings were attended by than 30 people from different areas of government, focused on conceptual and methodological definitions whose inputs are being used to help articulate a Roadmap on Loss and Damage for Argentina.