06 Jul 2023 Story Climate change

Validation of sub-national climate change response plans

Federal Law No. 27,520 on Minimum Budgets for Adaptation and Mitigation to Global Climate Change establishes (Article 20) that the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires must develop Climate Change Response Plans, developed through participatory processes. These plans must develop a technical baseline and assessment, to identify priority area of action in terms of both mitigation and adaptation, as well as specific and measurable goals.

These sub-national climate change response plans must incorporate a monitoring and reporting system, as well as define a governance and participation scheme. Within this framework, since 2020, the National Directorate of Climate Change (DNCC) has supported the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in the process of preparing Response Plans and in strengthening capacities for the governance of climate change. 

With support from the NDC Action project the Second Provincial Round Table was held in the city of Funes in Santa Fe on 6 July, where 70 people representing all national Provinces met with the management teams from the National Climate Change and the Climate Change Cabinet, to discuss and agree on the framework for the response plans through workshops that included topics such as participatory processes, monitoring systems and formulation of climate risks.

Minutes of the second provincial round table were signed off as a commitment to continue working on the preparation and delivery of the response plans, which will ultimately be validated by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development as the relevant federal authority.