16 Jul 2014 Story Oceans & seas

Implementation plans agreed at three RACs Focal Points Meetings

Three of the four NOWPAP regional activity centers (MERRAC, DINRAC and CEARAC) have convened their focal points meetings (FPMs) in June-July 2014 in Daejeon, Korea, Beijing, China, and Toyama, Japan, respectively. While reviewing the activities carried out since their previous FPMs, the focal points of MERRAC, DINRAC and CEARAC discussed and agreed on the implementation plans for the activities and projects to be implemented in 2014-2015 biennium which were approved by the 18th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM) in December 2013. 


  • Pilot assessment of impacts of major threats to marine biodiversity in selected sea areas.
  • Trial application of the screening procedure of the NOWPAP common procedure for eutrophication assessment.
  • Case studies of sea grass mapping in selected sea areas.


  • Annual update of existing DINRAC databases and website pages. 
  • Collection of information on endangered/threatened marine species in the NOWPAP region.


  • NOWPAP DELTA exercise (full-scale oil spill response exercise) in Russia.
  • Database update on oil and HNS spill response equipment and experts. • Development of an online pollution reporting system.
  • Risk assessment of oil spill incidents.

In addition, the three RACs will carry out activities related to marine litter according to the NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI), covering case studies of marine litter management in river basin, distribution and impact of floating marine litter, and enriching database on marine litter. In order to enhance cooperation between NOWPAP and its major partners, the RAC focal points as well as representatives from PICES, NEASPEC, YSLME, and IOC WESTPAC exchanged information and discussed ways of collaboration in the future, including co-convening workshops. 

POMRAC will have its FPM in September 2014 in Busan, Korea.