
Type: Montreal Protocol event

Showing 41 - 45 of 45

45 results found

Koror, Palau ( Republic of) Montreal Protocol event
This meeting is organised by UN Environment's Compliance Assistance Programme, OzonAction in Asia and Pacific in cooperation with the Environmental Quality Protection Board, Government of Palau. It is part of the implementation of Enabling Activities project for HFC Phase-down in the Pacific Island Countries.

Categorized Under: Customs & Enforcement Palau ( Republic of)

Quito, Ecuador Montreal Protocol event
The following side events organised in collobration with UN Environment OzonAction will be held in the margins of the 30th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol:

Categorized Under: Refrigeration and air conditioning Ecuador

Vienna, Austria Montreal Protocol event
The following side events will be held in the margins of the  40th Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) and are organised in collobration with UN Environment OzonAction

Categorized Under: Refrigeration and air conditioning Austria

Showing 41 - 45 of 45