
Type: Montreal Protocol event

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42 results found

Bangkok, Thailand Montreal Protocol event
Ice cubes_shutterstock
To ensure the success of a sustainable cold chain, many differing factors need to coalesce.

Categorized Under: Refrigeration and air conditioning Thailand

Virtual Meeting, Montreal Protocol event
ECA COVID poster
This meeting is part of the activities of UNEP OzonAction's Regional Montreal Protocol Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA network). Invited experts present the operation of recovery, recycling and reclaim schemes, the disposal/destruction of ODS / HFCs and a virtual market platform to facilitate the selling/buying of recycled or reclaimed substances.
Virtual Meeting, Montreal Protocol event
ECA COVID poster
This meeting is part of the activities of UNEP OzonAction's Regional Montreal Protocol Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA network). Invited experts present potential interlinkages and synergies between the Kigali Amendment and the Paris Agreement which both aim to limit global warming. The phase-down of HFCs under the Kigali Amendment should be reflected in national climate strategies and be considered in the context of national determined contributions (NDCs).

Categorized Under: Europe and Central Asia

Virtual Meeting, Montreal Protocol event
Palm trees
This meeting will address key priority areas raised by Countries of the Caribbean Network which include: Emerging Refrigerant Technologies for the RAC Servicing Sector; Status of Ratification of the Kigali Amendment and Establishment of HFC Licensing Systems; Adjusting implementation of National Montreal Protocol programme of activities to adjust to the Global COVID-19 Environment; and other matters.

Categorized Under: Caribbean

Virtual Meeting, Montreal Protocol event
Atmosphere of planet earth
This meeting is part of the activities of UNEP OzonAction’s Asia Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP). The meeting acts as a collaborative forum for 12 PICs to deliberate the coordination approach, and timeline on the implementation of the Regional HPMP Stage II which was recently approved by the 86th ExCom, with UNEP as the lead implementing agency and Australia as the cooperating agency.
Virtual Meeting, Montreal Protocol event
Asia-Pacific map
This meeting is part of the activities of UNEP OzonAction’s Asia Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP). The meeting acts as a collaborative forum for 12 PICs to deliberate the coordination approach, and timeline on the implementation of the Regional HPMP Stage II which was recently approved by the 86th ExCom, with UNEP as the lead implementing agency and Australia as the cooperating agency.

Showing 1 - 10 of 42