
Showing 21 - 40 of 403

403 results found

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 30 June 2024 issue

In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Upcoming 46th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties
3. Primer for Implementation Committee (Revised, Edition 2024), UNEP Ozone Secretariat
4. Upcoming 2024 World Cold Chain Symposium
5. Anglophone Africa Ozone Officers meet to exchange… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 15 June 2024 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Report of the 94th meeting of the Executive Committee
3. Life Cycle based Hot spots in Cooling Systems
4. Next Generation Cooling: World Refrigeration Day Announces 2024 Theme “Temperature Matters...Absolutely!”
5. The impact of refrigeration on food… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 30 May 2024 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. World Ozone Day 2024 theme announced "Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Action"
3. Continuing benefits of the Montreal Protocol and protection of the stratospheric ozone layer for human health and the environment
4. ASHRAE and UNEP Renew Cooperation… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 15 May 2024 issue

In this issue:

Obituary - Jeremy Bazyé, Former Regional Coordinator for the African Networks of Ozone Officers

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Guidebook on Mainstreaming Gender in the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol
3. ASHRAE and UNEP Launch the 2024 Lower GWP Innovation Award
4. Exploring… read more

Publication Gender

This Guidebook on Mainstreaming Gender in the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (hereinafter referred to as the guidebook) has been developed to help advance the agenda of gender equality and women’s empowerment under the implementation of Montreal Protocol by means of the NOUs and national stakeholders mainstreaming gender issues into… read more

Categorized Under: Gender

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 30 April 2024 issue

In this issue: 

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. ASHRAE and UNEP Launch the 2024 Lower GWP Innovation Award
3. Meeting of the Chemical group of the Medical and Chemical Technical Options Committee (MCTOC), Paris, France, 15-17 April 2024
4. Seal pups and penguin chicks exposed to more UV in Antarctica
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OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 15 April 2024 issue

In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Chemistry Contribution to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion After the Unprecedented Water-Rich Hunga Tonga Eruption
3. Call for proposals for innovation projects in the Cooling sector
4. Richard Benedick, Negotiator of Landmark Ozone Treaty, Dies at 88
5.… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 30 March 2024 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications

2. Executive Committee Primer – 2024 - An introduction to the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol

3. OzonAction: Celebrating International Women's Day, 8 March 2024

4. Call for proposals for… read more

OzoNews Volume XXIV - 29 February 2024 issue

In this issue:

Patrick Mclnerney 1963 – 2024

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. A world united in environmental action
3. International Network of Women in Cooling Survey Seeks Input from Women Working in Natural Refrigeration
4. Unlocking the Secrets of the Stratosphere with the JPSS Ozone Mapping… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIV, 15 March 2024 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Celebrating International Women's Day, 8 March 2024
3. Forty-sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG46), 8 to 12 July 2024, Montreal - Letter from the Ozone Secretariat 
4. Call for proposals for innovation… read more

OzoNews Volume XXIV - 15 February 2024 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Reminder: Reporting of cases of illegal trade in controlled substances and illegal production and consumption
3. A method for calculating offsets to ozone depletion and climate impacts of ozone-depleting substances: Technical note
4. Refrigeración sostenible… read more

OzoNews Volume XXIV - 30 January 2024 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Decisions adopted by the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol - Letter from the Ozone Secretariat Executive Secretary
3. COP28 Reflections - Cooling for Climate Action: Ministers’ Cool Soundbites
4. Energy transition in hot and arid… read more

OzoNews Volume XXIV - 15 January 2024 issue
OzoNews Turns 24!

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Greening the Blue Report 2023 - Facts and figures on the Ozone Secretariat’s emissions impact from meetings, and accelerating UN efforts on environmental governance and training
3. Cold storage and refrigeration
4. The social costs of… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 November - 15 December 2023 Issue

In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Over 60 countries pledge to slash cooling emissions amid rising temperatures - COP28
3. Cooling Demand Surges in HAT Countries: Balancing Efficiency and Environmental Impact
4. Keeping it Chill: How to meet cooling demands while cutting emissions
5. GFCCC… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 November 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. ADVANCE-Decisions adopted by the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Nairobi, 23–27 October 2023
3. Summary of the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 October 2023 issue

In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Summary of the 35th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP35), 22–27 October 2023
3. The Montreal Protocol: multilateralism done right
4. Montreal Protocol delegates replenish the Multilateral Fund and… read more

OzonAction bulletin

A tri-annual newsletter by UNEP OzonAction under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

In this issue October 2023: Women in RAC: Every action counts for a more inclusive world -  Practical measures for mainstreaming gender in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol

OzoNews Volume XXIII, 15 October 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Organisers Introduce Overarching Agenda for the 2023 World Cold Chain Symposium
3. When it comes to heating the planet, the fluid in your AC is thousands of times worse than CO2
4.14 Refrigeration Technicians From Francophone Africa Learn About Natural … read more

OzoNews Volume XXIII, 30 September 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Organisers Introduce Overarching Agenda for the 2023 World Cold Chain Symposium
3. Efficient, Smart, Controlled Refrigeration Tackled at ICR in Paris - Invited article
4. Antarctic ozone hole starts amid questions about the impact of Hunga Tonga eruption
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OzoNews Vol. XXIII 16 September 2023 - Special Issue on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Special Issue on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 16 September 2023
- The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, observed 16 September 2023
- Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change, Ozone… read more

Showing 21 - 40 of 403