Type: Factsheet
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68 results found
The ECA network has implemented enforcement–related activities since its inception in 2003 including regional enforcement meetings, border dialogues, and a series of awards for Customs and Enforcement Officers.
The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide an update on ASHRAE standards for refrigerants and to introduce the new refrigerants that have been awarded an «R» number over the last few years and introduced into the international market.
Spanish - Actualización sobre Nuevas Designaciones para Refrigerantes y Clasificaciones de… read more
This technical brief reflects the Polish experience of setting up and managing logbooks for refrigeration, air-conditioning, heat pump (RACHP) and other types of equipment. It also provides examples of similar equipment databases used in other developed and developing countries.
The National Single Window is a centralized system that links all relevant government approving authorities and acts as a ‘one-stop-shop’ where importers and exporters may submit applications electronically including information and all required paperwork to support the application and approval process.
The Parties to the Kigali Amendment need to establish a mechanism to effectively control the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a group of greenhouse gases that are controlled under the Montreal Protocol. Similar to the hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) phase-out, an effective quota system can play a vital role in assisting… read more
The RPL process can help those in the industry acquire a formal qualification that matches their knowledge and skills and thereby contributes to improving their employability, mobility, and lifelong learning. RPL can make a significant contribution to providing the relevant learning framework necessary for the present and ongoing maintenance of… read more
UNEP OzonAction, in cooperation with United for Efficiency (U4E), Kigali Cooling Efficiency Programme (KCEP) and ASHRAE have jointly developed a new introductory e-learning course to increase the awareness and understanding of government policymakers, community stakeholders and business leaders about energy-efficiency related to air… read more
Inspection of operator facilities to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Serbian Air Protection Law on controlled ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases
Checklist for successful auctioning of seized refrigerants.
OzonAction Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician Video Series consists of instructional videos on techniques, security and best practice and flammable refrigerant safety. They are intended to serve as a complementary training tool for refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) sector servicing technicians to help them revise and retain… read more
The new and updated UNEP OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator application will help you to convert between values in metric tonnes, ozone depleting potential (ODP) tonnes and CO2-equivalent tonnes of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and their alternatives. This application, available at no cost, is particularly useful for National Ozone… read more
One of the ways in which refrigeration cylinders are quickly identified is by cylinder colour. Although there was never a truly globally adopted international standard, the guideline from the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) although not required by law was used by the vast majority of industry and chemical… read more
The WhatGas? UNEP OzonAction application is an information and identification tool for refrigerant gases for ozone-depleting substances(ODS), HFCs, and other alternatives. It is intended to provide a number of stakeholders, including Montreal Protocol National Ozone Officers, Customs Officers, and refrigeration and air-conditioning technicians… read more
World Refrigeration Day (WRD) raises awareness about refrigeration and air-conditioning and their contribution to modern life. WRD is widely supported by industry associations, organizations and societies as well as governments and individuals. It memorializes the birth date(June 26th)of Lord Kelvinforwhom the Absolutetemperature Kelvin Scale… read more
An important Montreal Protocol issue that is currently being discussed and will need to be carefully considered in light of the HCFC phase-out Management Plans (HPMP) second or third stages, which are now being prepared and submitted to the Executive Committee, is that of the HCFC ‘Servicing tail’
To avoid any unforeseen challenges in… read more
iPIC is a voluntary and informal mechanism of information exchange on intended trade between countries in ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), mixtures containing these as well as products and equipment. It enables countries to share details of eligible importers and exporters with other member countries through a… read more
One of the primary ways that countries implement their commitments under the Montreal Protocol and particularly the Kigali Amendment is through the monitoring and control of import and export of controlled substances. This fact sheet provides various options for Article 5 countries on how to deal with seized refrigerants in cases of illegal… read more
This document suggests how the recommendation of the World Customs Organization (WCO) on establishing additional digits in the existing 2017 national HS codes to identify specific HFCs could be implemented.
One of the important commitments of the Protocol is that of reporting the consumption and production of substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol. Following the ratification of the Kigali Amendment, this commitment is now extended to HFCs. This short factsheet provides some useful information on relevant Article 7 reporting dates and… read more
Until the World Customs Organisation’s Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, or Harmonized System (HS) is revised in 2022, all HS codes for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are contained in a single HS code which does not allow differentiation of the individual chemicals or of mixtures/blends. This document outlines a proactive interim… read more
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