
Showing 261 - 280 of 384

384 results found

Factsheet 1

An introduction and general overview of the Kigali Amendment and the changes that will come with regard to the phase-down of HFCs.


In this issue : 1. Invitation to the OzonAction Side Events at the 39th OEWG, Wednesday 12th July at 13:00 2. Visit the OzonAction Information Booth at 39th OEWG 3. Upcoming Workshop on Safety Standards Relevant to the Safe Use of Low Global-Warming-Potential (GWP) Alternatives, Bangkok, Thailand, 10 July 2017 4. Expert Reaction to Study… read more


1. Effects of Ozone Depletion Felt in the Tropics 2. Visit OzonAction Information Booth at 39th OEWG 3. The Ozone Secretariat is introducing a new system for the registration of delegates to the meetings of the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol 4. Key Greenhouse Gases Higher than Any Time over Last 800,000 Years 5. Are You Committed?… read more


1. UN Secretary-General Pledges Higher Bar on Climate Action, Energy Efficiency, Stressing Dire Consequences of Failure to Embrace Green Economy 2. OzonAction Clearinghouse Survey on Publications, Information Sharing and Capacity Building Tools 3. Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol Meetings: A Primer 4. The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal… read more


1. “Caring for All Life under the Sun” Theme and Logo for 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and International Ozone Day 2017 2. The 78th Meeting of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol 3. UN Environment Convenes the First International Conference on Sustainable Marine and Fisheries Refrigeration… read more

1. Kigali Amendment: 3 Parties to the Montreal Protocol Have Ratified 2. The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol - Opportunities and Next Steps – OzonAction video 3. 79th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Montreal Protocol Implementation, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-7 July 2017 4. The Ozone Awards 2017: Call for… read more
1. « Caring for All Life under the Sun” Theme and Logo for 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and International Ozone Day 2017 2. Concept Note and Provisional Programme for Workshop on Safety Standards 3. Post Meeting Summary of the 78th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal… read more
OzonAction newsletter
Special Issue

Refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) technologies are the cornerstone of modern life, ensuring comfort, food safety and security, and access to safe medicines. Good practices in the RAC servicing sector will make a difference in not only minimising emissions, hence limiting new production of refrigerants, but also maintaining appliance… read more

In this issue: 1. Eliminating HFCs Faster will Cut Climate Harm 2. Report: Ozone Hole Has Shrunk by More Than Four Million Square Kilometers 3. El ozono medido en Marambio superó el valor de los 25 años anteriores e indica recuperación de la capa 4. Sustainable Management of Refrigeration Technologies in Marine and Off-Shore Fisheries Sectors, 6-8… read more
In this issue: Report of the 77th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of Montreal Protocol 2. 10th Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers to be Held in Geneva, Switzerland, 28 - 30 March 2017. Related documents now available 3. Sustainable Management of Refrigeration Technologies in Marine and Off-… read more
Refrigerants Literacy

UN Environment and ASHRAE have partnered on a web-based course entitled “Refrigerants Literacy.” This course is 4.5 hours of instruction covering the basics of refrigerants used in air conditioning and refrigeration applications.

In this issue: 1. New OzonAction Multimedia Video Application Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Technician Video Series 2. Decline Reported in Consumption of MBr in A5 and Non-A5 Parties 3. Future Challenges for Stratospheric and Tropospheric Ozone 4. Hydrocarbons 'Could Replace' Most Synthetic Refrigerants 5. The Birth—and Possible Death—of the… read more
The Kigali amendment

This fact sheet summarises and highlights the main elements of the Amendment of particular interest to countries operating under Article 5 of the Protocol (Article 5 Parties).

Promoting Ozone

This document was produced by the UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP DTIE) OzonAction Programme under the framework of the UNEP-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) grant partnership project: “Regional Programme for Enhancing Institutional Capacity for HCFC Phase-out linked to Energy Efficiency and Climate… read more

GWP Refrigerants

In 2016, the Montreal Protocol was amended to phase-down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which are commonly used alternatives to ozone depleting substances.

Customs Award report

This report of seizures and iPIC consultations is based on the cases reported in the context of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Ozone Protection Award for Customs and Enforcement Officers (4th edition) which is part of the work programme of the UNEP Regional Ozone Network for Europe and Central Asia (ECA network). UN Environment is grateful… read more

Categorized Under: Customs & Enforcement Europe and Central Asia Turkmenistan

Customs quick guide

This poster provides a short checklist for customs officers of things to keep in mind when handling ozone depleting substance shipments.


An overview of the basic tools used by RAC technicians in the servicing sector.

ODP Refrigerants

Under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Article 7 of the Protocol requires all Parties, both developing countries (also called Article 5 countries) and developed countries, to provide statistical data on an annual basis, on various issued related to trade and production of ozone-depleting substances (ODS),… read more

Energy Efficiency in RAC

The RAC sector represents a major share of energy use in most developing countries as RAC appl i cat ions consume large amounts of electricity for cooling requirements, resulting in a rapid increase in energy consumption in the commercial and residential sectors of many countries.

Showing 261 - 280 of 384