
Showing 41 - 60 of 403

403 results found

OzoNews Volume XXIII, 30 August 2023 issue

In this issue:

Special Announcement - Sustainable Growth: Building Business Models for Cold Chain Development

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Knowledge is cold …
3. Descubriendo el potencial de los sistemas de refrigeración magnética: Un análisis exhaustivo
4. Dr Yosr Allouche appointed as next… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 August 2023 issue

In this issue:

Special Announcement - Sustainable Growth: Building Business Models for Cold Chain Development

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. New and updated guides and submission forms for the preparation of project proposals
3. Fears over Antarctic sea ice as yearly ozone layer hole forms ‘very… read more

Categorized Under: Chemicals & waste


This technical brief reflects the Polish experience of setting up and managing logbooks for refrigeration, air-conditioning, heat pump (RACHP) and other types of equipment. It also provides examples of similar equipment databases used in other developed and developing countries.

Categorized Under: Refrigeration and air conditioning Poland


In this issue:   1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications. 2. New and updated guides and submission forms for the preparation of project proposals. 3. A review of current understanding of HFC-23 emissions and contributing source processes. 4. “Towards efficient, controlled and smart Refrigeration.”  5. A Cooler Future: The Role of Solid-State… read more


The National Single Window is a centralized system that links all relevant government approving authorities and acts as a ‘one-stop-shop’ where importers and exporters may submit applications electronically including information and all required paperwork to support the application and approval process.


In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Summary of the 45th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer: 2-7 July 2023
3. Considerations for establishing national HFC Quota System
4. ASHRAE and UNEP Announce Lower GWP Award… read more


The Parties to the Kigali Amendment need to establish a mechanism to effectively control the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a group of greenhouse gases that are controlled under the Montreal Protocol. Similar to the hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) phase-out, an effective quota system can play a vital role in assisting… read more


The RPL process can help those in the industry acquire a formal qualification that matches their knowledge and skills and thereby contributes to improving their employability, mobility, and lifelong learning. RPL can make a significant contribution to providing the relevant learning framework necessary for the present and ongoing maintenance of… read more

Categorized Under: Refrigeration and air conditioning South Asia Mongolia


In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. The ozone layer continues to slowly recover
3. Long-term variability of human health-related solar ultraviolet-B radiation doses from the 1980s to the end of 21st century
4. Protecting the Ozone Layer Is Delaying Arctic Melting
5. 2023 World Refrigeration… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 June 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Report of the Ninety-second Meeting of the Executive Committee
3. Questions and Answers about the Effects of Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Climate on Humans and the Environment
4. Technology and Economic Assessment Panel - 2022 Assessment Report
5.… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 May 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. World Ozone Day 2023 theme announced: Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change
3. Interim guide for the presentation of stage I of Kigali HFC implementation plans (May 2023)
4. World Refrigeration Day 2023 theme announced:… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 May 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Environmental Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Interactions with Climate Change, Executive Summary, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel 2022 Quadrennial Assessment
3. Twenty Questions and Answers About the Ozone Layer: 2022 Update
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OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 April 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Sustainable ODS and HFC banks management through complementary action of the Climate Ozone Protection Alliance to the Multilateral Fund – Webinar
3. Reducing food loss and waste through sustainable food cold chains
4. Social media data shed light on air-… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 April 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Research finds global emissions of several banned ozone-destroying chemicals are increasing
3. Sustainable retrofit of existing buildings: Impact assessment of residual fluorocarbons through uncertainty and sensitivity analyses
4. Niger submitted the first ever… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 30 March 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Framework of activities for sustainability supported by the Multilateral Fund
3. Leading ozone scientist says more climate surprises likely
4. Google Doodle Celebrates Mario Molina's 80th Birthday
5. UNIDO reaches a billion-dollar milestone on ozone and… read more

2023 ECA Awards_image

This Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Montreal Protocol Award for Customs and Enforcement Officers (5th edition – 2019-2020) - Report seizures and informal prior-informed consent (iPIC) consultations has been prepared by UNEP Law Division OzonAction for the virtual ceremony of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Montreal Protocol Award for Customs… read more

Illegal trade

This publication provides an analysis of the cases submitted in the context of the Global Montreal Protocol Award for Customs and Enforcement Officers. The Global Award was launched in 2018 by UNEP OzonAction. This Global Award is intended to raise awareness about the Montreal Protocol and to recognise customs and enforcement officials for… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 March 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Study: Smoke particles from wildfires can erode the ozone layer
3. What is sustainable cooling and how can it help tackle the climate crisis?
4. Experimental and Simulation Study of the Latest HFC/HFO and Blend of Refrigerants
in Vapour Compression… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 28 February 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Happy International Women's Day, 8 March 2023 - Letter from OzonAction Head
2. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
3. Executive Committee Primer 2023
4. Halon in Aviation
5. New report explores issues around solar radiation modification (SRM)
6. The ozone layer: a hole new world
7… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXIII, 15 February 2023 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Highlights of the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2022
3. Green Customs Initiative Partners advance on customs activities under MEAs
4. Opinion: Restoration of the ozone layer is a landmark example of successful global environmental policy
5. Q+… read more

Showing 41 - 60 of 403