Showing 201 - 220 of 403
403 results found
Over the last three decades, the world has realized that the safest and efficient fluorinated refrigerants that were used for decades, contribute negatively to global warming and ozone depletion and threaten life on earth. Because of this, governments and industry engaged in legal and research efforts to find alternatives in order to control… read more
This Webinar, on World Refrigeration Day (WRD), on Refrigerants for Life and how they affect modern life, intends to capture the overall global picture of policies, research,and trends of using refrigerants in different applications while presenting the role of industry, governments,and individuals in ensuring the Responsible Use of… read more
In this issue: 1. World Refrigeration Day. Get ready... Something really "cool" is coming 2. Four things you should know about sustainable cooling 3. ASHRAE launches new refrigeration webpage 4. A warming Arctic produces weather extremes in our latitudes 5. Namibia ratifies Kigali amendment to protect ozone layer 6. Botswana fights importation… read more
In this issue:
1. Upcoming Eighty-third meeting of the Executive Committee
2. 32 Years and Healing - Theme for World Ozone Day 2019
3. International action on HFCs through the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal
4. Maritime sector urged to replace HFCs with natural refrigerants
5. Ozone monitoring team… read more
In this issue: 1. Statements by Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic, at his joint press conference with Mr Xi Jinping, President of China, Mrs Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, and Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission (excerpts) 2. Weighing consumer safety versus climate action 3. ASHRAE/UNEP Lower-GWP… read more
In this issue: 1. Farewell to Shamila Nair-Bedouelle 2. Implications of constant CFC-11 concentrations for the future ozone layer 3. Helping enforcement catch up with environmental laws 4. Colossal barocaloric effects in plastic crystals 5. ASHRAE/UNEP Lower-GWP Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Innovation Award 6. Sustainability in Africa’s… read more
In this issue:
1. Post-Meeting Feedback Survey - OzonAction Second Global Inter-Regional and Parallel Network Meetings for National Ozone Officers, 17-20 February 2019
2. UN Environment fights to cut cooling and heating emissions
3. Multilateral treaties address some chemicals and issues of global concern, but implementation… read more
In this issue: 1. OzonAction second global inter-regional meeting, ‘Join the Experts’ sessions and parallel networks meetings for national ozone officers 2. Ms. Inger Andersen of Denmark - Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 3. 2018 Quadrennial Assessments by EEAP and TOCs 4. UN Environment-OzonAction Joins… read more
In this issue: 1. Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 2018: Full Report Now Available 2. Study provides more evidence of the recovering Antarctic ozone hole 3. ASHRAE/UNEP Lower-GWP Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Innovation Award 4. Women in science for ozone protection 5. Rwanda’s ambitious plan for clean and efficient cooling 6.… read more
In this issue: 1. ASHRAE & UNEP-OzonAction launch new joint workplan promoting management of refrigerants in developing economies 2. Dumping of obsolete air conditioners undermines development and climate goals 3. Uncovering the Ozone Hole - Podcast 4. Gov't to get tough on HFC refrigerant violations (Japan) 5. Flammable Refrigerants Safety… read more
In this issue: 1) World takes a stand against powerful greenhouse gases with implementation of Kigali Amendment, 2) Report of the eighty-second meeting of the Executive Committee, 3) Global agreement addressing ozone depletion will also bring large climate benefits, 4) Rwanda launches centre to measure global warming gases, 5) Morocco… read more
PRAHA-II is a continuation of the process with specific goals that are aligned with the findings of PRAHAI. The two main findings of PRAHA-I are that, 1) there are viable alternatives at High Ambient Temperature (HAT) conditions which need optimized equipment design to perform and deliver the energy efficiency minimum requirements, and 2) that… read more
In this issue: 1. Special End of Year Message, Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat, "The Kigali Amendment: A New Year’s resolution we cannot break" 2. Buildings and construction sector – Huge untapped potential for emission reductions 3. Ozone depletion increases Antarctic snowfall, partially mitigates ice sheet loss 4. How… read more
The OzonAction Branch of the Law Division has been strengthening the capacity of governments – particularly the operational focal points for the Montreal Protocol, known as National Ozone Units – as well as industry, customs and enforcement agencies in developing countries to elaborate and enforce the policies required to implement the Protocol… read more
This is the electronic and interactive version of the UN Environment OzonAction Quick Guide on Good Servicing Practices for Flammable Refrigerants.It offers easy reference to the key safety classification and technical properties of flammable refrigerants that are available in the market. It also provides important safety guidance for the… read more
In this issue: 1. Emergence of ozone recovery evidenced by reduction in the occurrence of Antarctic ozone loss saturation 2. Advancing nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through climate-friendly refrigeration and air conditioning: Guidance for policymakers 3. Conclusions of the "Technical report on energy efficiency in HFC-free… read more
Video series on guidance on how to identify refrigerants using a refrigerant identifier
Cold Storage and Refrigerated Warehouses
Commercial, Professional and Domestic Refrigeration
Transport Refrigeration
Showing 201 - 220 of 403