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403 results found


Just as important, we need to relate all our work to people whose health, livelihoods and prosperity we are trying to safeguard.

7653 ECA Highlights

The 10th anniversary brochure of the ECA network reflects a decade of network operation and aims to share major achievements, case studies and highlights to provide inspiration for countries within and outside the region.


The OzonAction Special Issue is an annual newsletter that covers environmental topics related to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer, and other related environmental topics.

Enforcement strategies

This booklet is intended to be an easy-to-use resource for ozone officers and others who will be involved in the detection, prevention, and prosecution of smuggling in HCFCs and methyl bromide. Ozone officers and enforcement professionals from both developed and developing countries were interviewed during the preparation of the booklet in… read more

Maximizing climate benefits

This fact sheet aims to further highlight the benefits to climate and energy efficiency of good practices in the refrigeration servicing sector through some examples of good practices during installation, servicing and maintenance.

Vital Ozone Graphics

Provides the essential visuals, facts, links and contacts to develop ozone story ideas. Graphics and figures can be downloaded and included in articles. This electronic publication is intended not only to inform and inspire journalists but also to serve as an interesting reference for those who wish to learn more about the Montreal Protocol and… read more

25th anniversary 2012

The OzonAction Special Issue (OASI) features articles from international experts on many important issues including the celebrations of 25 years of the Montreal Protocol. OASI is the mouthpiece of the Montreal Protocol. A special issue dedicated to stratospheric ozone and climate change related issues and the implementation of the Montreal… read more

Green economy

This global study addresses how and to what degree national, regional and international actions taken under the Montreal Protocol have also contributed to the restructuring of national economies and the global one towards a “Green Economy”, defined as “one which achieves increasing wealth, provides decent employment, successfully tackles… read more

HCFC Import Quota system

Parties to the Montreal Protocol are obliged to follow the HCFC phase-out schedules agreed upon in 2007 (Decision XIX/6). Furthermore, developing countries seeking any further assistance from the Multilateral Fund for the HCFC phase out beyond 2012 must provide confirmation that they have an enforceable national system of licensing and quotas… read more

Vital ozone graphics

Provides the essential visuals, facts, links and contacts to develop ozone story ideas. Graphics and figures can be downloaded and included in articles. This electronic publication is intended not only to inform and inspire journalists but also to serve as an interesting reference for those who wish to learn more about the Montreal Protocol and… read more


UNEP DTIE OzonAction has come out with two new flyers to provide stakelholders with a general overview and basic information on HCFC phaseout. This flyer addresses HCFCs in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. The flyers are available in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese.

Risk assessment

This report provides a summary of recent cases of illegal trade and the policy measures in place to combat HCFC smuggling. By considering market conditions for HCFCs and drawing parallels with the context and methods used by smugglers which led to chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) smuggling, the report provides an analysis of the risks of HCFC smuggling… read more


The OzonAction Special Issue is an annual newsletter that covers environmental topics related to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer, and other related environmental topics.

Goal Zero

This book contains the stories of the hard work of the past 20 years that went into making the Montreal Protocol work. As the biggest producer and consumer of ozone depleting substances, the Asia-Pacific region has shown that it is possible to work together when faced with a global environmental threat. This publication can serve as a guide for… read more

Military toolkit

UNEP, in collaboration with the contributors from defence forces, has developed this tool-kit for national security and the environment, focusing on ozone and climate issues. It has drawn inputs from workshops and international conferences held on military and environment protection, as well as real-life experiences and good practices from… read more

OASI 2010

The OzonAction Special Issue is the mouthpiece of the Montreal Protocol, dedicated to stratospheric ozone protection and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, providing the most recent information on ozone protection activities from industry, governments, NGOs, and international organisations. Special supplements are devoted to current… read more

OASI 2009

The OzonAction Special Issue (OASI) features articles from international experts on many important issues related to the Montreal Protocol. A special issue dedicated to stratospheric ozone and climate change related issues and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol, providing the most recent information on ozone protection activities from… read more

EduPak Teachers

Welcome to the Ozone Layer Education for Secondary Schools Teacher’s Book. It is a simple introduction to ozone issues for young people aged 13-16 years. Think of it as a Mini-Montreal Protocol guide. The education pack aims to raise awareness and encourage the active participation of young people in the debate on ozone depletion, its potential… read more


This Student’s Book is an integral part of the OzonAction Education Pack for Secondary Schools. It concentrates on the same issues as the Teacher’s Book: ozone layer depletion, protection and the health risks of strong ultraviolet radiation.

Ozzy Ozone

The fourth issue of the “Ozzy Ozone: Defender of our Planet” comic book series, entitled “Ozzy Goes Island Hopping” features ozone depletion and climate change with a special focus on Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). In this story Ozzy and Zoe Ozone travel from the stratosphere to visit their friends Alida, the leatherback turtle; Guno, the… read more

Showing 341 - 360 of 403