Showing 141 - 160 of 403
403 results found
Checklist for successful auctioning of seized refrigerants.
Inspection of operator facilities to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Serbian Air Protection Law on controlled ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases
In this issue: 1. Obituary of Mr. Vunga Uikelotu, Principle Ozone Officer and the Head of Ozone Layer Protection Division, Tonga
2. OzonAction Rolls Out Enhanced Informal Prior Informed Consent (iPIC) Platform 3. Address major holes in ozone hole treaty to avert stronger climate change and serious health risks, experts warn 4.… read more
In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 2. The unusual 2020 Arctic ozone hole as seen in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring service reanalysis 3. New research underpins the huge climate win of moving to propane-based airconditioning 4. Lower-GWP refrigeration & air conditioning innovation award 5. New call for project… read more
In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 2. Summary of the 42nd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG 42), 14-16 July 2020 | Online 3. Kigali Amendment hits milestone 100th ratification, boosting climate action 4. Study of the dependence of… read more
In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification
2. 42nd Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (OEWG 42), 14-16 July 2020 | Online
3. Record‐low Arctic stratospheric ozone in 2020: MLS observations of chemical processes and… read more
In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 2. Modelling the potential impacts of the recent, unexpected increase in CFC-11 emissions on total column ozone recovery 3. A new way to cool vaccines off the grid 4. Overview for the meetings of the ozone treaties in 2020-2021 5. Lower-GWP refrigeration & air conditioning innovation… read more
In this issue: 1. Join the UNEP-UNIDO-ASHRAE webinar on 'Alternative Refrigerants for High Ambient Temperature Countries' 2. Join the International webinar under the theme of ‘Cold Chain 4 Life’ on 26 June 2020 3. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 4. Overview for the meetings of the ozone treaties in 2020-2021 5. Forever chemicals’ are… read more
Cold Chain 4 Life - The Cold Chain Connects the World - posters in the six UN languages for World Refrigeration Day
World Refrigeration Day: Cold Chain 4 Life - STICKERS in the six UN languages
The cold chain is a series of actions and equipment applied to maintain a product within a specified low-temperature range from harvest/ production to consumption, including farming/fishing, food processing, cold storage, transportation, food services, and domestic uses, as well as special products like medicinal products and vaccines.
In this issue: -- Invitation to Join UNEP-UNIDO-ASHRAE Webinar on Alternative Refrigerants for High Ambient Temperature Countries -- 1. IIR and UNEP OzonAction release the French and Spanish versions of the ‘Cold Chain Technology Briefs’ 2. Lower-GWP Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Innovation Award 3. Overview for the meetings of the ozone… read more
Due to the complex nature of the cold chain and the high temperature dependency of post-harvest or post-mortem deterioration in food, temperature control in the food chain is vital. Temperature control tends to become less well controlled at the retail/professional and domestic stages of the cold chain. The food chain is responsible for… read more
This brief will present the process needs and applications of refrigeration onboard refrigerated fishing vessels. Currently used technologies and refrigerants will be presented, along with the possible alternatives for new systems. The issues related to the management of existing fl eets and implications to the Montreal Protocol on ozone-… read more
This brief provides an overview of the main areas of transport refrigeration, some of the different systems used and the working fluids employed. It will go on to look at current trends in using alternative refrigerants and the direction the sector is moving in over a longer period. Future developments will be discussed along with the technical… read more
For consumers, the cold chain is often associated with transport, retail and household refrigerators. But refrigeration is also and widely used in the agri-food industry for the storage of raw materials and final products, as well as for food processing. This brief gives a short overview of refrigeration applications in the industry. The… read more
Cold storage warehouses store food after production and before foods are transported and distributed to supermarkets or catering establishments. Food is stored either chilled or frozen and may remain in the store for periods of a few hours, days or even a year (for some fruits and vegetables) in chillers and up to several months in freezers.… read more
OzonAction Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician Video Series consists of instructional videos on techniques, security and best practice and flammable refrigerant safety. They are intended to serve as a complementary training tool for refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) sector servicing technicians to help them revise and retain… read more
In this issue: -- UNEP’s Statement on the COVID-19 global pandemic – 1. Ozone for life: 35 years of ozone layer protection 2. Lower-GWP Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Innovation Award 3. RAC Technician Videos - Full length films! 4. The new updated OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator Application 5. UNEP OzonAction Encourages Everyone to… read more
The new and updated UNEP OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator application will help you to convert between values in metric tonnes, ozone depleting potential (ODP) tonnes and CO2-equivalent tonnes of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and their alternatives. This application, available at no cost, is particularly useful for National Ozone… read more
Showing 141 - 160 of 403