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392 results found

OzoNews Volume XVIII - 15-30 December 2018 issue

In this issue: 1. Special End of Year Message, Tina Birmpili, Executive Secretary, Ozone Secretariat, "The Kigali Amendment: A New Year’s resolution we cannot break" 2. Buildings and construction sector – Huge untapped potential for emission reductions 3. Ozone depletion increases Antarctic snowfall, partially mitigates ice sheet loss 4. How… read more

OzonAction factsheet

The OzonAction Branch of the Law Division has been strengthening the capacity of governments – particularly the operational focal points for the Montreal Protocol, known as National Ozone Units – as well as industry, customs and enforcement agencies in developing countries to elaborate and enforce the policies required to implement the Protocol… read more

Quick guide

This is the electronic and interactive version of the UN Environment OzonAction Quick Guide on Good Servicing Practices for Flammable Refrigerants.It offers easy reference to the key safety classification and technical properties of flammable refrigerants that are available in the market. It also provides important safety guidance for the… read more


Video series on guidance on how to identify refrigerants using a refrigerant identifier


In this issue: 1. Emergence of ozone recovery evidenced by reduction in the occurrence of Antarctic ozone loss saturation 2. Advancing nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through climate-friendly refrigeration and air conditioning: Guidance for policymakers 3. Conclusions of the "Technical report on energy efficiency in HFC-free… read more


Under the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP), UN Environment is implementing a two-year "twinning" project to build the capacity of National Ozone Officers and national energy policymakers for linking energy efficiency and Montreal Protocol objectives in support of the Kigali Amendment.

Cold chain technology brief

Cold chain technology brief in refrigeration in food production and processing


In this issue: 1. Montreal Protocol closes annual meeting with new mandates, strengthened enforcement and momentum for climate action 2. Summary of the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol: 5-9 November 2018 3. Montreal Protocol assessment reveals healing ozone, untapped potential for climate action 4. Highlights Scientific… read more


A fortnightly electronic news update on ozone and climate protection and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol brought to you by OzonAction.

Global Ozone Award

UN Environment OzonAction, in cooperation with the World Customs Organization and the Ozone Secretariat, is launching the global Montreal Protocol award for customs and enforcement officers.

The award recognizes the crucial role of customs & enforcement officers in implementing trade restrictions and bans for… read more

Mobile app, WhatGas?

The OzonAction ‘WhatGas?’ application is an information and identification tool for refrigerants gases: ozone depleting substances (ODS), HFCs and other alternatives. It is intended to provide some stakeholders, including Montreal Protocol National Ozone Officers, customs officers, and refrigeration and air-conditioning technicians with a… read more

GWP Calculator

The UNEP OzonAction GWP-ODP Calculator app will help you to convert between values in metric tonnes, ODP tonnes and CO2-equivalent tonnes (or kg) of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol and their alternatives. The updated application now includes a new “Kigali Amendment” mode.

It is very important to note that in the Kigali… read more


In this issue: 1. NEW OzonAction smartphone application: Good Servicing: Flammable Refrigerants Quick Guide 2. NEW OzonAction smartphone application: Refrigerant Identifier Video Series 3. National Ozone and Customs Officers in SADC region hold twinning workshop and Border Dialogues (South Africa) 4. South Asia and South-East Asia Ozone and… read more

OzonAction bulletin

A tri-annual newsletter by UNEP OzonAction under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

In this issue October 2018: Focus on Food. Refrigeration and food security. Refrigeration and its applications in food preservation and conservation has played and will continue to play a major role in our… read more

WOD Bhutan 2018

World Ozone Day activities in Bhutan in September 2018

Categorized Under: South Asia Bhutan


In this issue: 1. Little-noticed treaty could help delay climate catastrophe 2. $45 Billion commercial refrigeration equipment market - Global forecast to 2023 3. Find out about 2018 World Ozone Day Country Activities 4. Germany supports Ghana to phase out outmoded air-conditioners 5. Pacific Islands cooperate on energy-efficient cooling under… read more

Legislative and Policy

In order to follow and facilitate the HFC phase-down schedules contained in the Kigali Amendment, the Parties, including both developed and developing countries, will have to implement certain measures. This booklet contains a recommended set of legislative and policy options which the developing (Article 5) countries may wish to consider for… read more

Showing 201 - 220 of 392