
Showing 241 - 260 of 397

397 results found


1. Ozone at lower latitudes not recovering, despite ozone hole healing 2. Thinning ozone layer may have driven Earth's largest mass extinction 252 million years ago 3. Ozone Layer Depletion Slows Climate Change 4. Accelerating the switch to climate-friendly cooling systems in Southeast Asia 5. Revision to references for refrigeration and air… read more

Factsheet 19

In Kigali Fact Sheet 6 the development of a national HFC phase-down strategy is discussed. That Fact Sheet gives background information on the “core actions” that can be used to deliver the required cuts in HFC consumption. It was stressed that the most important long-term core action is to use lower GWP alternatives to HFCs in all new… read more


The most widely used fire protection systems (FPS) involve water based systems such as automatic sprinklers. An important category of FPS are chemical agents that can quickly extinguish a fire without creating some of the consequential damage that is created by water-based FPS. Historically, the most important chemical agents were halons which… read more


Mobile air-conditioning (MAC) systems used to cool the driver and passengers in land transport including cars, vans, lorries, buses, agricultural vehicles and trains. Historically all car air-conditioning used the refrigerant CFC-12. This was completely phased-out during the 1990s in developing countries and around a decade later in developing… read more


A fortnightly electronic news update on ozone and climate protection and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol brought to you by OzonAction.

ODS Waste management

The project "Demonstration of a Regional Strategy for ODS Waste Management and Disposal in the ECA Region" was prepared jointly by UN Environment and UNIDO, on behalf of Goverments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro.


A fortnightly electronic news update on ozone and climate protection and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol brought to you by OzonAction.

OzonAction bulletin
Scoop 2

A tri-annual newsletter by UNEP OzonAction under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

In this issue, November 2017:  OzonAction Clearinghouse Survey on publications, information sharing and capacity building tools

OzonAction bulletin
Scoop 1

A tri-annual newsletter by UNEP OzonAction under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

In this issue, November 2017: Caring for all life under the sun - Skin cancer and its prevention.

In this issue : 1. Ozone Layer Recovery Could be Delayed by 30 Years 2. Smaller Ozone Hole Observed in September 2017 3. ESA launches Sentinel-5P to track pollution daily 4. The Gambia is Moving Towards NatRefs 5. Inédito centro permitirá a Chile reciclar sustancias que dañan la Capa de Ozono 6. Variety of Chemical Threats to Ozone Layer Being… read more

A fortnightly electronic news update on ozone and climate protection and the implementation of the Montreal Protocol brought to you by OzonAction.

Montreal Protocol

A web portal intended to honor the visionaries, innovators and implementers who are making the Montreal Protocol a global environmental success story.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to explore "The Montreal Protocol Who's Who" pages, where you will meet women and men from different cultural and social backgrounds from… read more

In this issue : 1. GWP-ODP Calculator SmartPhone Application 2. Presentations of the International Symposium, Paris, France,19 - 20 September 2017- on the Occasion of the Montreal Protocol 30th Anniversary Celebration! 3. UNGA High-Level Event on the Ratification of the Kigali Amendment 4. Thirty Years after Montreal Pact, Solving the Ozone… read more
In this issue : 1. GWP-ODP Calculator SmartPhone Application 2. Presentations of the International Symposium, Paris, France,19 - 20 September 2017- on the Occasion of the Montreal Protocol 30th Anniversary Celebration! 3. UNGA High-Level Event on the Ratification of the Kigali Amendment 4. Thirty Years after Montreal Pact, Solving the Ozone… read more

In this issue : 1. UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ Message on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer “Marking the 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol” 16 September 2017 2. UN Environment Executive Director Erik Solheim's Ozone Day 2017 Message 3. UN Environment Deputy Executive Director Ibrahim Thiaw's Ozone… read more

In this issue : 1. Message from Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Head of OzonAction, to the National Ozone Officers – Few Steps Ahead for the 2017 Ozone Day Celebrations! 2. Reflections on the Montreal Protocol - the International Community’s Covenant with the Future 3. The Ozone Hole 2017 - British Antarctic Survey Ozone Bulletin 4. How Future Volcanic… read more
In this issue 1. Latest Status of Arctic Ozone - Ozone Hole Watch 2. Watch this Beautiful Visualization of the Ozone Layer over the Southern Pole 3. Managing Ozone Depleting Substances Banks 4. Global Methyl Bromide Market Analysis 2017-2022 5. Counting on Kigali to Keep it Cool 6. Effective Technologies for Conversion of HFC-23 7. Climate Action… read more
In this issue : 1. Summary of the 39th Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 2. New Initiative Announced to Address Growing Challenge of Providing Cooling Solutions for All 3. OzonAction at OEWG 39 - Side Event on Sustainable RAC Technologies for Marine and… read more
Factsheet series

Following the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, UN Environment's OzonAction prepared a series of fact sheets describing the immediate and future challenges to be addressed by the different Parties between now and until the amendment comes into force.

Factsheet 4

An overview of lower GWP alternatives and how these are being introduced into the different market sectors and sub-sectors.

Showing 241 - 260 of 397