Программа ООН по окружающей среде
24 Nov 2017 Видео Digital Transformations

Знакомьтесь - Кайя Дори, «Молодой чемпион Земли» от Северной Америки

Dorey, 29, is one of six outstanding individuals between the ages of 18 and 30 to be named a Young Champion of the Earth for 2017.

Dorey began her fashion label, NOVEL SUPPLY CO., after realizing that stylish clothing made sustainably from natural fabrics were altogether absent in the shops of Vancouver. Her “conscious apparel company” produces garments free from toxic dyes and synthetics, instead sourcing hemp and organic cotton and environmentally friendly inks.

The business is based on the “closed-loop” philosophy of production, which strives for sustainability by improving economic and environmental goals simultaneously. To do this Kaya is creating a “take-back” programme so that the company takes responsibility for the garments it produces when they are worn out, as well as ensuring there is a solution for any waste created in the manufacturing process.

Young Champions of the Earth – an initiative of the UN Environment Programme and corporate partner Covestro – aims to identify, celebrate and support young people who have outstanding potential to create positive environmental impact.

Read the full press release.