Divisions and Offices


Communication Division develops and disseminates United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)'s core messages. It delivers them to governments and citizens, stakeholders and partners, including the media, through the full range of digital and traditional channels. The division advocates for environmental causes, engages the public including young people, and seeks to influence policy and practice on issues from pollution to green finance. It promotes and safeguards UNEP's identity.

Corporate Services Division safeguards UNEP’s corporate interests by providing it with tools and plans for efficient and effective management and by managing its exposure to risk. It does so in line with the core values of the United Nations as well as all other relevant rules, regulations and accountability requirements.

Industry and Economy Division provides solutions for economic decision-makers and helps change the business environment by offering platforms for dialogue and cooperation, innovative policy options, pilot projects and creative market mechanisms. It works through two main branches: Chemicals and Health and Resources and Markets.

Ecosystems Division supports countries in conserving, restoring and sustainably managing their terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, the biodiversity they contain and the products and services they provide for human well-being and prosperity. It addresses the environmental causes and consequences of disasters and conflicts. It helps countries reduce pollution from land-based activities and reflect linkages between poverty and the environment in their development planning.

Law Division is the lead Division charged with carrying out the functions of UNEP in the field of environmental law, governance and related policy issues.  The Division’s work focuses on: leading the international community in the progressive development of environmental law; supporting States in the development and implementation of legal, institutional and policy measures in response to major environmental challenges; facilitating cooperation and coordination among multilateral environmental agreements and between UNEP and those agreements; working with MEA secretariats to support Parties to the respective MEAs in implementing their treaty obligations; and facilitating policy dialogue among States on issues relating to international environmental law and governance.

Policy and Programme Division consolidates the policy, programme, monitoring, gender and social safeguards functions of UNEP as well as its engagement with the United Nations system and key global processes such as the 2030 Agenda. The Division ensures coherence and coordination at the strategic, policy and programmatic levels.

Early Warning and Assessment Division provides timely, scientifically credible, policy-relevant environmental assessments, data and information for decision-making and action planning for sustainable development. It monitors, analyses and reports on the state of the global environment, assessing policies and trends and providing early warning of emerging environmental threats. It spearheads UN-wide monitoring and reporting on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs.

Climate Change Division delivers effective strategic guidance and high-impact action in support of the transition towards climate stability. UNEP provides capacity building and technical support to governments to enhance their policy and implementation capacity and helps them access finance to align to the Paris Agreement, decarbonize, anticipate and adapt to climate impacts. Its work is guided by ambition, innovation, credible science, alignment to global climate goals and needs of individual countries.



The office of the Chief Digital Officer accelerates and scales environmental sustainability by applying data and digital technologies to UNEP's key activities, products, and services. It ensures governance and coherence among UNEP's digital outputs and collaborates with key players to promote the use of digital solutions for environmental benefit while mitigating potential negative effects of digitalization. The office strives to create a greener and more sustainable future through innovative digital approaches.

Chief Scientist Office provides leadership and strategic coordination of the science that informs UNEP's priorities and all aspects of the work programme, particularly in the context of strengthening UNEPS capacity for Strategic Foresight and the Science-Policy Interface to inform decision-making. It also supports effective communication and collaboration between UNEP and the scientific community, as well as global environmental observing systems. The Office also serves as the scientific spokesperson for the Executive Director and represents UNEP at high-level scientific and technical meetings and intergovernmental/international fora.

Governance Affairs Office assists Member States, major groups and relevant stakeholders, such as the private sector, to engage with UNEP's work. The Office services UNEP’s governing body, the United Nations Environment Assembly, and its subsidiary organ, the Committee of Permanent Representatives, and manages their meetings. It helps strengthen the visibility, authority and impact of the Assembly as the authoritative voice on the environment.

Last updated: 13 Feb 2024, 12:58