The networking facility focuses on cross-cutting issues and supports uptake of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) practices by:

  • Raising awareness of SCP practices so that public and private consumers, the general public and government institutions are better informed on, have a better understanding of and broadly adopt SCP practices;
  • Building capacity in green economy modelling and assessment and related knowledge for national-level implementation and building of relevant institutions;
  • Increasing awareness of opportunities for green financing and the options available to enable micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and their financial institutions to develop relevant expertise in green investment opportunities and financing requirements;
  • Building technical capacity in green product operation and maintenance, where needed.

To achieve this, the networking facility offers activities that allow stakeholders in the country to communicate and share experiences and best practices and that allow for the knowledge gained from project implementation to be distilled for application in upscaling and replication and the relevant policies to be taken up by a wide range of government actors.

Network Forum Activities

Network Forum Activity

The Regional Validation Meeting on Circular Economy and Green Finance was held in Accra, Ghana between 24 - 25 August 2022. During the SWITCH Africa Green regional meeting on integrated waste management in Africa, held in June 2019 in Accra, Ghana, it was emphasized that Africa should develop a regional framework on Circular Economy (CE).

Network Forum Activity

The National Policy Dialogue for Ghana was held on 22nd August 2022 in Accra, Ghana. Implementation of the SWITCH Africa Green Program started in March 2014 and Ghana has implemented a number of activities under the different components of the project. A National Implementation Plan was developed which identified areas such as policies, capacity building, regulatory frameworks, incentive structures, tax and market based instruments, awareness creation, etc.

Network Forum Activity

The SWITCH Africa Green Regional Sector meeting on Integrated Waste Management, was held on 11 - 12 June 2019, in Accra, Ghana.

Network Forum Activity

SWITCH Africa Green held the Ghana National Networking Forum at the Accra City Hotel on 21 and 22 March 2017. The forum brought together about 150 participants from the private sector, civil society and government. Its main objectives were to discuss the opportunities, challenges and barriers faced by the private sector in transitioning to an inclusive, low-carbon green economy promoting sustainable consumption and production practices and patterns in Ghana.