The selected priority areas for South Africa are agriculture, integrated waste management and manufacturing.
Small scale rural farmers face myriad challenges, including droughts, lack of appropriate…
Agriculture is the primary economic activity in rural areas of South Africa. However, the…
The main focus of the component in South Africa is to offer project support services such as…
South Africa is facing significant environmental degradation and resource depletion that threaten the opportunities for sustainable economic growth. The Department of Trade and Industry’s green industry agenda aims to mainstream environmental and social considerations and performance measures into national policies and business operations to nudge the country towards sustainable development. South Africa identified agriculture, manufacturing and integrated waste management as its priority sectors for SWITCH Africa Green intervention.
The national institution guiding programme implementation in South Africa is the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.
The SWITCH Africa Green programme is developed and funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme and European Union Delegations in the participating countries.
Dr. Jenitha Badul
Senior Policy Advisor - Sustainability Programmes & Projects,
Branch: Climate Change, Air Quality & Sustainable Development,
Department of Environmental, Forestry and Fisheries
473 Steve Biko,
Pretoria, 0083
South Africa
Interview with Sarah Frazee, CEO of Conservation South Africa at the Green Networking Forum - 28 May 1 June 2016 Kampala, Uganda.