Agriculture is the primary economic activity in the rural areas of South Africa, yet the overwhelming majority of South African households have very limited access to agricultural land: 82% of households have access to less than 1 ha of agricultural land and two-thirds have access to less than 0.5 ha. At the same time, it is estimated that this sector has the potential to create one million new jobs by 2030.
In the manufacturing sector, focal areas for green business development include water efficiency, solar and wind energy manufacturing, biofuel blending and industrial energy efficiency, as well as improving access to international markets for environmental goods and services.
The micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) involved in SWITCH Africa Green projects in South Africa benefit from technical advice on eco-innovation and aspects of sustainable consumption and production, such as resource efficiency, integrated waste management, energy efficiency and industrial symbiosis, as well as general business advice on management, including financial management.