06 Mar 2025 News

Online Training School - Sustainable Marine Governance in the Mediterranean

UNEP/MAP together with its Partner MEPIELAN (Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation) are pleased to announce the launch, in cooperation with EPLO (the European Public Law Organization) of the week-long online training school “Sustainable Marine Governance in the Mediterranean - Environmental Governance and Sustainability” scheduled to take place from 5 to 10 May 2025.

The course aims to develop a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the interdisciplinary methodology, understanding of the processes and innovative approaches to sustainable governance within the UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention system, and to explore the creative inter-linkages of environmental law and environmental governance with political science, ecology, technology, biological science, climate science, economics and social sciences

The training sessions will be conducted by a network of eminent academics, distinguished experts, decision-makers and practitioners from international organizations and prestigious academic institutions collaborating in addressing critical issues related to environmental governance and sustainability in the Mediterranean region.

The course is designed for final-year undergraduates, graduate students, postgraduates and doctorate researchers in legal and political studies, ecology, economics, biological and social sciences especially from Mediterranean countries; as well as Professionals from public and private institutions and NGOs working in the area of environment and sustainable development and junior diplomats.

The course will be conducted online, in English and the deadline for applications is 4 April 2025.

For more information, please visit: https://med-ecogov.education/