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321 results found

Under the main theme of "Caring for our Coasts - Mediterranean and Italian Experiences", the Coastal Area Management Program for Italy (CAMP Italy) held its final conference on Tuesday 17 January 2017 in Rome, in the presence of Mrs Maria Carmela Giarratano, General Director of the Ministry of the Environment, Land, and Sea Protection of Italy, and Mr. Gaetano Leone, Coordinator of the UN environment / Mediterranean Action Plan, Secretariat to the Barcelona Convention.
Egypt has started packing PCB-contaminated equipment in Cairo and Alexandria to ship them  to Spain for elimination. At the end of this process, it is expected that Egypt would have disposed of 200 tons of PCBs. This is the last activity within the framework of the MedPartnership project, led by UNEP/MAP and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). It was implemented by the MAP MED POL programme in collaboration with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA).
The Nineteenth Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (“the Barcelona Convention”) and its Protocols, which was held in Athens, Greece from 9 to 12 February 2016, adopted Decision IG.22/3 related to the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan in the framework of the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Cont
Algeria has ratified the "Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, In Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea" (Prevention and Emergency Protocol). The country deposited the instrument of Ratification on 14 November 2016, as confirmed by the Government of Spain, Depositary of the Barcelona Convention.
Between 24 and 28 October 2016, UNEP/MAP and REMPEC participated in the 70th Session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70), held at IMO Headquarters in London, UK. Gaetano Leone, Coordinator of UNEP/MAP and Gabino Gonzalez Head of REMPEC presented the Mediterranean regional policies to tackle obligations arising from MARPOL and the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM) Conventions, which embodies the implementation of the Barcelona Convention ecosystem approach in practice.
The Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Group on Pollution Monitoring (CORMON) met in Marseille, France, from 19 to 21 October 2016, with the participation of over 60 national representatives and experts in the Mediterranean.
Pour la 10ème année consécutive, la Méditerranée a célébré le Jour de la Côte le 27 Septembre cette année à Barcelone sous le thème “Une économie bleue pour une Méditerranée saine” . 
Marine litter poses a major threat to wildlife and ecosystems, as well as, to humans and their livelihoods. Regional cooperation is crucial to achieve the marine litter reduction targets decided by the Barcelona Convention COP 19, including a beach litter reduction of 20% by 2024”.
Italy has ratified the "Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, In Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea" (Prevention and Emergency Protocol). The country deposited the instrument of Ratification on 30 June 2016, as confirmed by the Government of Spain, Depositary of the Barcelona Convention.
Since today, the MedOpen ICZM Basic training in French is available here.
Ms Zeljka Skaricic, director of PAP/RAC represented UNEP/MAP in the 6th event of the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) conference series that took place on 23-24 June 2016, at the University of Azores in Ponta Delgada, Portugal.
Three representatives of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), namely Ms Anne-France Didier director of Plan Bleu, Ms Tatjana Hema MAP Deputy Coordinator a.i. and MED POL Programme officer, and Mr. Gabino Gonzalez head of REMPEC Office, participated to the conference "Climate, biodiversity, blue growth: what solutions for the Mediterranean" and highlighted the role and related actions carried out within the Barcelona Convention.
Solheim pledges to tackle major environmental issues such as ocean and air pollution, climate change, and nexus between conflict, migration and the environment
Climate and biodiversity, solutions for the Mediterranean is the title of the conference by Segolene Royal, French Minister for Environment, Energy and the Sea, in charge of international relations on climate and president of COP 21. The conference will take place on 27 june at 3pm  in Paris.    
16.06.2016 UNEP announced on 13 June 2016 its BAOBAB award winners. Among those was Ms. Tatiana Hema MED POL programme officer of UNEP/MAP, who won the Environmental Service Award.
The Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) 2016-2025 provides a strategic policy framework for securing a sustainable future for the Mediterranean region consistent with Sustainable Development Goals.
The Votsalakia Beach in Piraeus, Greece embraced over 200 volunteers on that sunny Sunday in a cleanup action organized by the MedSOS under the auspices of UNEP/MAP. The volunteers participating ranged from nearby soccer club players, employees of the private sector and other regional environmental and voluntary organizations, to local inhabitants of the area and even various beach guests, who decided to stop their tanning and give a hand as well.
The United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) agreed on a joint work plan for the period 2016-2021, to contribute towards creating solid knowledge base and awareness among policy makers, civil society and the public at large, about the state of the marine and coastal environment in the Mediterranean and its sustainable development.
UNEP/MAP has launched its new updated Marine Litter Assessment in the Mediterranean on 26 May 2016, within the framework of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), held in Kenya, Nairobi.
The second edition of the on-line MedOpen Climate Variability and Change (CVC) Advanced training session will be available again in May 2016. This session is organized in order to respond to the great interest of target users who had applied for the MedOpen CVC Advanced training session in 2015 held within the MedPartnership project. The session will be available on-line, in the frame of the user-friendly PAP/RAC MedOpen virtual training course, developed in English and completely free of charge.
The UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat succeeded in cutting its paper consumption by 85% during the 19th ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention held in Athens from 9 to 12 February 2016, as compared to its last CoP meeting held in December 2013.
At their 19th Ordinary Meeting (COP 19, Athens, Greece, 9-12 February 2016), the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) - namely 21 Mediterranean countries and the European Union - adopted a novel and ambitious Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme and related Assessment Criteria (IMAP).
Athens declaration Mediterranean Ministers adopted the Athens Declaration, in which they pledged to implement the instruments, programmes, action plans and guidelines adopted at Barcelona Convention CoP19 -to prevent pollution from maritime transport, marine exploration, and land-based activities, protect biodiversity, manage coastal zones, and increase the resilience of the Mediterranean to the impacts of climate change- as crucial means for the achievement of the objectives of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.
During a high level event of the Barcelona Convention CoP 19 meeting, hosted by the Greek Government in Athens, Mediterranean ministers and parties contracted to the Convention, renewed their commitment to enhance measures to reduce pressures on their marine and coastal environment.
The 19th meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention to be held in Athens The 19th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention hosted by the Hellenic Government, will be held in Athens from 9 to 12 February 2016, with the participation of the Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw.

Showing 226 - 250 of 321