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Coordinating Unit

United Nations Environment Programme / Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan - Barcelona Convention Secretariat
Address: 48, Vassileos Konstantinou Ave., 116 35 Athens, Greece
E-mail: unepmap [at]
Tel.: +30 210 7273100
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"UNEP/MAP team photo
MAP team members pose for a group photo following the conclusion of COP 23 Barcelona Convention, Portoroz, Slovenia, 8 December 2023

Ms. Tatjana Hema
MAP Coordinator
Tatjana Hema has strong experience of intergovernmental processes, especially in the area of marine and coastal environment, backed by solid scientific knowledge on chemical engineering and marine pollution issues.

Ms. Hema graduated in Chemical Engineering and specialized in Environmental Management and Technologies. She joined the UN in 2003, after twelve years of service as a professor in Tirana University and five years as a Senior Manager in the National Environment Agency of Albania and Deputy Minister of Environment. Since then, she has covered UN assignments of different roles in MAP Barcelona Convention Secretariat addressing policy, governance and institutional aspects of the MAP system, as well as marine pollution assessment and control. In 2016 she was awarded the UNEP BAOBAB Staff Award in the category “Environmental Service Award”, which aims at exemplifying those who demonstrate outstanding effort and dedication in their field of expertise to enhance environmental sustainability and conservation at local, national, regional or international levels. Since 2016 she was UNEP/MAP Deputy Coordinator.

She holds a PhD from the University of Tirana obtained in 1994 and a Masters’ degree on Environmental Management and Technologies from the Federal Polytechnic University of Lausanne, obtained in 1995.

Ms. Hema is a national of Albania.

Staff position level: D-1
Region: Eastern Europe

Vacant post
MAP Deputy Coordinator
Front office

Vacant post
Associate Administrative Officer

Mr. Arnaud Comolet
International Technical Expert to Support Implementation of the PAMEx 2030

Vacant post
JPO to Support Implementation of the MASE Bilateral Agreement

Ms. Rena Cavoura
Programme Management Assistant

Ms. Maria Syrakou
Finance and Budget Assistant, to Support Implementation of the MASE Bilateral Agreement


Mr. Ilias Mavroeidis
Programme Management Officer

Mr. Ihab Tarek
Legal Officer

Ms. Patrizia Busolini
Programme Management Officer - Socio-Economic Activities / Sustainable Development (including Secretariat of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development)

Ms. Elli Sfyroeras
Programme Management Assistant

Information and Communication

Vacant post
Public Information Officer

Ms. Anastasia Vergiris
Information Assistant

Quality Status Report and Ecosystem Approach

Mr. Christos Ioakeimidis
Programme Management Officer - QSR

Ms. Samar Kilani
Programme Management Officer - EcAp MED PLUS Project

Mr. Marc Attallah
Associate Programme Management Officer - SEMPA Project

Ms. Zsuzsanna Sandor
Associate Finance and Budget Officer - SEMPA Project

MedProgramme Coordinating Unit

Mr. Mohamad Kayyal
Programme Management Officer

Mr. Ertan Ozturk
Programme Management Officer (technical)

Ms. Rachel Kagiri
Associate Finance and Budget Officer

Ms. Shelley Farrington Gavalas
Programme Management Assistant

Ms. Styliani Tampakaki
Finance and Budget Assistant


Ms. Kumiko Yatagai
Administrative/Fund Management Officer

Ms. Sylvie Fortin
Administrative Assistant - Human resources

Vacant post
Meetings and Procurement Assistant

Mr. Georgios Trikoupis
Finance and Budget Assistant

Mr. Apostolos Apostolopoulos
Administrative Assistant - Payments and Travel

Ms. Maria Syrakou
Finance and Budget Assistant, to Support Implementation of the MASE Bilateral Agreement

Vacant post
Team Assistant

The Mediterranean Pollution Assessment and Control Programme (MED POL)

Ms. Olfat Hamdan
Programme Management Officer

Mr. Erol Cavus
Programme Management Officer - Pollution

Ms. Jelena Knezevic
Programme Management Officer - Monitoring and Assessment

Vacant post
Associate Programme Management Officer - Marine Litter MED PLUS Project

Ms. Nathalie Gomez
Programme Management Assistant

Ms. Maria Avrameas
Team Assistant

Regional Activity Centers (RAC)

Information and Communication Regional Activity Centre (INFO/RAC)
Ms. Lorenza Babbini, Director

Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre (PB/RAC)
Mr. Robin Degron, Director

Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC)
Ms. Daria Povh Škugor, Director

Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC)
Mr. Ivan Sammut, Head of Office

Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre (SPA/RAC)
Mr. Elyes Hamza, Director

Sustainable Consumption and Production Regional Activity Centre (SCP/RAC-MEDWAVES)
Mr. Jesús Maestro García, Director