© UNEP/MAP 2019


The MAP-Barcelona Convention system rests upon a solid foundation of partnership and cooperation with regional and global institutions and actors sharing our vision. Over the years, MAP has sought to foster existing partnerships and to enter in new ones in line with the priorities set by the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.

MAP Partnerships provide a mechanism through which other institutions contribute with their expertise and resources for joint endeavors relevant to the MAP mandate and vision, and with the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols as an overarching framework.

The UNEP/MAP—Barcelona Convention system cooperates with various UN entities, Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), and other Inter-Governmental organizations active in the field of Mediterranean or global environmental protection. It also recognizes the expertise of Mediterranean Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), supports their initiatives and encourages their participation in MAP activities. Such partnerships support, inter alia, capacity building and technical assistance for the development of measures and the implementation of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.

  • The Plan of Action for a Model Mediterranean Sea (PAMEx)
    PAMEx is a political blueprint that seeks ways to accelerate action for nature and climate in the Mediterranean. The Coordinating Unit of UNEP/MAP hosts the technical secretariat of PAMEx, reflecting a firm anchoring in the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.
  • The Cooperation Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITE)
    The Cooperation Agreement with MITE provides for a cooperation framework in support to the implementation of the MAP-Barcelona Convention mandate, involving all MAP Components.

Partnerships with Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs)

International governmental organizations active in fields relevant to the Barcelona Convention may be admitted as observers at the meetings and conferences of the Contracting Parties.

MAP works closely with several global and regional actors building on comparative advantages, complementarities and maximized synergies.

List of IGOs and other Partners

The MAP Coordinating Unit signed Memoranda of Understanding or other collaboration agreements with:

Partnerships with non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)

The Contracting Parties grant MAP Partner status to Non-Governmental Organizations, thus encouraging their participation in MAP meetings, activities, and overall goals set under the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.

The Contracting Parties have adopted Decision IG.19/6 "MAP/Civil society cooperation and partnership", which includes the Code of Conduct for MAP Partners and the criteria and a procedure for admission as MAP Partners of the international, civil society Organizations/NGOs as well as national and local non-governmental organizations. MAP Partners are international and regional NGOs, as well as national and local NGOs from Mediterranean riparian States. They represent important sectors of public opinion and contribute to raising awareness and public participation on issues related to environmental protection and sustainable development in the Mediterranean.

MAP Partners participate as Observers in the meetings of the Contracting Parties and in activities as part of the implementation of the Programme of Work. They also provide expertise and technical support to pursue objectives and promote policies, strategies and programmes derived from the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols.

MAP Partners are also eligible for membership in the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD), an advisory body to the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention.

List of MAP Partners

The MAP Regional Activity Centres also enter into bilateral agreements with partners to further the implementation of the MAP-Barcelona Convention objectives in accordance with their mandate as approved by the Contracting Parties to the BC and its Protocols. Further information is provided on the RACs websites.