Members of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) (June 2023-June 2025)
Members of the MCSD Steering Committee - elected at the 20th Meeting of the MCSD
- President: Ms. Anne-France Didier, France
- Vice-President: Mr. Mitja Bricelj, Slovenia (ex officio, as representative of the Presidency of the Contracting Parties)
- Vice-President: Mr. Mohammed Maktit, Morocco
- Vice-President: Mr. Abderraja Salhi, Tunisia
- Vice-President: Mr. Najib Saab, Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
- Vice-President: UfM Secretariat
- Rapporteur: Mr. Josep Canals Molina, MedCities
MCSD Members representing the Contracting Parties
- ALBANIA / ALBANIE / ألبانيا
Ms. Ilda Shahu
Expert in the SEA, EIA, Industrial Pollution, Environmental Standards Unit
Ministry of Tourism and Environment
- ALGERIA / ALGÉRIE / الجزائر
Mme Samira Hamidi
Secretary General
Ministry of Environment and Quality of Life
Dr. Tarik Kupusovic
MAP and MCSD Focal Point
HEIS Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo
- CROATIA / CROATIE / كرواتيا
Ms. Branka Pivcevic Novak
Head of Department for Sustainable Development
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Ms. Sandra Troselj Stanisic
Senior Advisor, Department for Sea Protection
Ministry of Environment and Energy
- CYPRUS / CHYPRE / قبرص
Ms. Georghia Solomonidou-Christofidou
Director of Planning
Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
Ministry of Environment
Ms. Samah Saleh
Head of Sustainable Development Unit
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
Ministry of Environment
Mr. Javier Villar Burke
Policy Officer
Directorate-General for Environment
- FRANCE / FRANCE / فرنسا
Ms. Anne-France Didier
Conseillère politiques territoriales
Ministère de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire
- GREECE / GRÈCE / اليونان
Ms. Papaioannou Maria
National Expert
Dept.of European and International Environmental Affairs
Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy
- ISRAEL / ISRAËL / إسرائيل
Ms. Rotem Shamay
Head of Strategic Planning Unit
Ministry of Environmental Protection
- ITALY / ITALIE / إيطاليا
Mr. Roberto Giangreco
General Directorate for Sea and Coasts
Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
Ms. Valentina Mauriello
General Directorate for Sea and Coasts
Ministry of Environment and Energy Security
- LEBANON / LIBAN / لبنان
Ms. Sally Sassine
Environmental Specialist
Environmental Policy Dept. - Service of Planning and Programming
Ministry of Environment
- LIBYA / LIBYE / ليبيا
Mr. Salih Diryaq
Director of Sirte Branch
Ministry of EnvironmentMr. Almokhtar Saied
Head of Marine and Wildlife Section
Nature Conservation Department
Ministry of Environment
- MALTA / MALTE / مالطة
Ms. Miraine Rizzo
Team Manager, Biodiversity and Water Unit
Environment and Resources Authority
- MONACO / MONACO / موناكو
Mr. Tidiani Couma
Secretary for External Relations
International Affairs Department
Ministry of Environment
- MONTENEGRO / MONTÉNEGRO / الجبل الأسود
Ms. Tamara Brajovic
General Director for Nature Protection
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism
Ms. Milica Rudic
Head of Unit for marine and coastal ecosystems
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism
- MOROCCO / MAROC / المغرب
Mr. Mohammed Maktit
Chef de la Division des Etudes et de la Planification
Secrétariat d'Etat auprès du Ministre de l'Energie, des Mines
et du Développement Durable, chargé du Développement Durable
- SLOVENIA / SLOVÉNIE / سلوفينيا
Dr Mitja Bricelj
Environment Directorate Water Department
Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning
- SPAIN / ESPAGNE / إسبانيا
Ms. Lorena Olmos Pérez
Technical Advisor
General Directorate for International Affairs
Ministry for Ecological Transition
Mr. Alberto Campos
International Affairs Officer
Ministry for Ecological Transition
- SYRIA / SYRIE / إسبانيا
Eng. Ms. Dimah Isaac
Director of Water Safety Directorate
Ministry of Local Administration and Environment
Mr. Abderraja Salhi
Deputy Director
Directorate General for Sustainable Development
Ministry of Environment
Mr. Gürsel Erul
Deputy General Director of Environmental Management
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change
Ms. Vildan Bolukbasi Atay
Head of the Department of Marine and Coastal Management
Directorate General of Environmental Management
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change
MCSD Members representing the Local Authorities Group
- Agence des Villes et Territoires Méditerranéens Durables (AVITEM)
Mme. Marie Baduel
Director General
- Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities (FAIC)
Ms. Anna Maria Bertini
Secretary General
- Med cities
Mr. Josep Canals Molina
Secretary General
MCSD Members representing the Socio-Economic Stakeholders Group
- Fondation Mohammed VI pour la protection de l’environnement
Mr. Ayoub Achbaro
Ocean programs Manager
- The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME)
Ms. Paola Bucero Lanzi
Membership and Corporate Development Officer
ASCAME General Secretariat
- The Economic and Social Council of Greece (ESCG)
Mr. Apostolos Xyrafis
Secretary General
- Economic and Social Council of Greece (ESCG)
Mr. George Vernicos
MCSD Members representing the Non-Governmental Organizations Group
Mr. Jeremie Fosse
- The Egyptian Sustainable Development Forum (ESDF)
Dr. Emad Adly
Chairperson of the Board
- Mediterranean Protected Areas Network (MedPAN)
Ms. Carole Martinez
Policy manager
MCSD Members representing the Scientific Community Group
- Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC)
Ms. Kasia (Katarzyna) Marini, PhD
Lead Science Officer
- Centre International de Droit Comparé de l’Environnement (CIDCE)
Prof. Michel Prieur
- International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I
Dr. Fatima Driouech
MCSD Members representing the Intergovernmental Organizations Group
- The Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
Mr. Najib Saab
Secretary General
- The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med)
Prof. Michael J. Scoullos
Mr. Vangelis Constantianos
Executive Secretary and Regional Coordinator
- Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-MED)
Mr. Maher Mahjoub
MCSD Members representing the Parliamentarians
- Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development (COMPSUD)
Mr. Mohamad Rejdali
Président de la Commune de Témara
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
H.E. Ambassador Sergio Piazzi
Secretary General
Mr. Marco Mura
Program Officer – Economic, Social and Environmental Cooperation
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (PA OSCE)
Mr. Marco Bonabello
Senior Advisor - Director for Economic and Environmental Security