
Reconciling conflicting interests in the face of increasing demands for ecosystem goods and services will require revitalized collaboration across society. Aligning the supply of, and demand for, resources will require systemic change in terms of data sharing, negotiation and common performance monitoring systems. Institutions, such as river basin and regional seas organizations - as well as action programmes which bring together stakeholders at national, regional and global level - are crucial for providing the platform for collective decisions.

UN Environment Programme (UNEP) is supporting provincial planners in Vietnam as they integrate planning across land and seascapes, linking sectoral objectives such as reducing flooding risks and securing the food supply. Implementing clear guidelines and performance monitoring systems, supporting capacity building, and including cross-sectoral spatial planning in the process helps achieve these goals.

How does UNEP do this?

  • By raising awareness among different stakeholders of the dangers of focusing only on delivering single sector goals; and by highlighting the benefits of a collaborative approach.
  • By supporting and facilitating institutional frameworks for integrated ecosystem management, including for transboundary ecosystems.
  • By developing, with partners, monitoring and assessment frameworks as well as other tools which support collaboration on ecosystem management.
  • By providing technical and political assistance for the delivery of integrated ecosystem management; and by addressing key concerns and objectives of stakeholders.

UNEP participates in and leads partnerships to promote an integrated approach to ecosystem management, including:
