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  • The Core Team
  • The Scholars Drafting Team
  • In the News

Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth presents an Islamic outlook of the environment in a bid to strengthen local, regional, and international actions that combat climate change and other threats to the planet. 

It is a global endeavor to engage Islamic scholars and Muslim institutions in the development and adoption of this Call. Al-Mizan restates the principles governing the protection of nature in a form that meets current challenges. It examines the ethics behind the social patterning of human existence and enquires into how they could be brought to life today working in harmony with the heartbeat of the natural world. 

Environmentalism is deeply embedded in the practice of Islam. It is about personal behaviour and how it manifests itself in our association with others and also about being considerate in our relationship with the natural world and other sentient beings. 

These principles grew out of the foundations established by Prophet Muhammad into a range of rules and institutions that manifested an expression of life that was truly holistic. It was based on the Qur’an and it could be distilled into three categories namely encouraging public good, forbidding wrong action and acting in moderation at all times:

“Let there be a community among you that calls for what is good, urges what is right and forbids what is wrong, they are the ones who have success” (3: 104)

AL-MIZAN (‘Balance’ in English) is based on Surah Ar-Rahman (The Merciful) in which Allah Almighty describes the creation in its perfect balance:

"The Most Merciful,

Taught the Quran

Created Humankind

Taught him Eloquence

The sun and the moon move in precise calculation

and the stars and the trees prostrate

and the heaven He raised and imposed the balance (Mizan)

That you not transgress within the balance (Mizan)

and establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance (Mizan)”

(Quran 55:1-9)


  • HBKU
  • The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES)
  • UN Environment Programme's Faith for Earth Coalition
  • Uskudar University


Kamran Shezad

Director, Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Science (IFEES)

Azmaira Alibhai

Faith & Ecosystems Coordinator, UNEP Faith for Earth

The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) marks a momentous occasion for the Covenant. 

H. E. Minister Leila Benali, President of the UNEA-6 Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of Morocco, H.E. Msgr. Hubertus van Megen, Permanent Representative of the Holy See to UNEP and UN-Habitat, H. E. Dr. Samir Boudinar, Executive Director of the Peace Center of the Muslim Council of Elders, and two co-authors Ms. Aishah Abdulla and Mr. Othman Llewellyn described the launch of Al-Mizan as the beginning of the movement. Visit the website.


Watch the Launch Event

The Core Team that is chaired by Faith for Earth and is composed of representatives of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences; Uskudar University in Istanbul; the Qur'anic Botanic Garden; and the College of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar. The Core team provides administrative support and facilitates the institutional aspects of Al-Mizan.


Dr Iyad Abumoghli (Chair) 

iaDr. Iyad Abu Moghli is the founder and director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Faith for Earth Initiative. He has more than 35 years of experience with international organizations, the private sector, and scientific institutions. Dr. Abu Moghli’s expertise focus on strategic planning, sustainable development, natural resources management, knowledge and innovation, and interfaith collaboration. Before joining UNEP, he served for 14 years in the United Nations Development Programme.

Dr. Abdelmajid Tribak

Aishah Ali Abdallah (عائشة علي عبد الله) 

aaAishah Abdallah is a wilderness leader and environmental educator who conducts outdoor activities informed by the wildland ethics of Islam. A Chadian national of Bornu-Kanuri origin born in the city of Makkah, she is a member of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication and has received the 2019 IUCN CEC Excellence Award for the West Asia Region. Aishah helped lead the 2017 Zawiyah Rosales symposium-retreat in Spain and delivered presentations to the 2010 WANA Forum in Jordan and for ICESCO at the 2016 Crans Montana Forum in Morocco. A Leave No Trace Master Educator, Aishah helped prepare the Arabic LNT Master Educator curriculum, and in 2009 served as Coordinator of Saudi Arabia’s national LNT Master Educator training program. In 2013, Aishah received a Conservation and Environmental Grant from the Ford Motor Company to design the first ecologically based wilderness leadership curriculum for the Arabian Peninsula. Her newest initiative is EmbraceTheEarth, an ecological leadership program.

Dr. Evren Tok

etDr. M. Evren Tok is Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Innovation and Community Advancement, Program Coordinator for Islam and Global Affairs Program at College of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University. He is the co-editor of Policy Making in a Transformative State: The Case of Qatar, published by Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. His recent publications “Global Governance and Muslim Organizations” published by Palgrave MacMillan and Innovating South-South Cooperation by University of Ottawa Press in 2020. He is the director of a QNRF funded cluster (2020-2025) entitled “SDG Education and Global Citizenship in Qatar”. He is the Lead Project Investigator for Qatar National Research Fund Priority Program for 3 years on “Localizing Entrepreneurship Education in Qatar”. He is the founder of the maker space entitled Maker Majlis: Islam in a Global World, which received Qatar Sustainability Award under Best University Initiative in 2020.

Dr. Fatima Saleh Al-Khulaifi 

Sidi Fazlun Khalid (Scholars Drafting Team Chait & Co-author)

Fazlun KhalidFazlun Khalid has a worldwide reputation as a pioneer in the field of Islamic environmentalism having been involved in this work since the 1980s. He was recognised as one of fifteen leading eco-theologians in the world (Grist magazine, USA 24 July 2000). He founded the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences which is now established as the world’s leading Islamic environmental NGO. His book Signs on the Earth: Islam, Modernity and the Climate Crisis published in 2019 has been described as a masterclass in framing contemporary issues from a faith perspective. 

Dr. Ibrahim Özdemir 

ioDr. Ibrahim Özdemir is a professor of philosophy at Uskudar University, Istanbul. He holds a Doctorate degree in philosophy from the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. His major is environmental ethics and environmental philosophy. 

He was part of the drafting team of the Islamic Declaration for Global Climate Change, 2015 and a Strategy Document for the Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers (ICEM), 02-03 October 2019 in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco. His most recent publications include The Ethical Dimension of Human Attitude Towards Nature, 2nd edition, Insan Publications: Istanbul, 2008; Jalaluddin Rumî and Confucius: Messages and Visions for a New Century, Tugra Books: New Jersey, 2013.

Kamran Shezad 

ksKamran Shezad is the Director for the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES/EcoIslam), he is also the Sustainability Lead for the Bahu Trust and the Climate Change Advisor to the Mosques & Imams National Advisory Board, UK (MINAB).
A qualified environmental specialist with practical field and managerial experience in the sustainable development sector. He is a strong advocate of using faith based approach in promoting the message of environment and guiding behavioural change. Kamran is a grassroots environmental activist, he has worked with a diverse range of faith groups and has produced toolkits, practical guides and mobilised communities for climate action. Kamran holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Sustainability (Strategy & Management), he has been awarded ‘Chartered Environmentalist’ status by the Society for the Environment and is a full member of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment. Kamran is also currently serving on the Civil Society & Youth Advisory Council to the Presidency of COP26.

Othman Abd-ar-Rahman Llewellyn (عثمان عبد الرحمن لولن) (Lead author)

olOthman Llewellyn is an ecological planner and member of the IUCN World Commissions on Protected Areas and Environmental Law, Othman authored Saudi Arabia’s current protected area system plan. Born in Colorado, USA, he has lived in the Arabian subcontinent since 1982, working to conserve its natural heritage. His research interests focus on the ecological implications of Islamic ethics. He wrote “The Basis for a Discipline of Islamic Environmental Law” in Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust (Harvard, 2003). He co-authored Environmental Protection in Islam, (IUCN, 1994) and was on the drafting team of the Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change (Istanbul, 2015).

In convening the Scholars Drafting Team, gender balance, regional representation, and representation of Islamic sects complemented the essential requirement of an in-depth knowledge and understanding of Islamic scripture, values, and teachings, and an understanding of contemporary environmental challenges.


Sidi Fazlun Khalid (Chair & Co-author) 

Fazlun KhalidFazlun Khalid has a worldwide reputation as a pioneer in the field of Islamic environmentalism having been involved in this work since the 1980s. He was recognised as one of fifteen leading eco-theologians in the world (Grist magazine, USA 24 July 2000). He founded the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences which is now established as the world’s leading Islamic environmental NGO. His book Signs on the Earth: Islam, Modernity and the Climate Crisis published in 2019 has been described as a masterclass in framing contemporary issues from a faith perspective.

Othman Abd-ar-Rahman Llewellyn (عثمان عبد الرحمن لولن) (Lead author)

olOthman Llewellyn is an ecological planner and member of the IUCN World Commissions on Protected Areas and Environmental Law, Othman authored Saudi Arabia’s current protected area system plan. Born in Colorado, USA, he has lived in the Arabian subcontinent since 1982, working to conserve its natural heritage. His research interests focus on the ecological implications of Islamic ethics. He wrote “The Basis for a Discipline of Islamic Environmental Law” in Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust (Harvard, 2003). He co-authored Environmental Protection in Islam, (IUCN, 1994) and was on the drafting team of the Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change (Istanbul, 2015).

Dr. Abdelmajid Tribak 

Aishah Ali Abdallah (عائشة علي عبد الله) 

aaAishah Abdallah is a wilderness leader and environmental educator who conducts outdoor activities informed by the wildland ethics of Islam. A Chadian national of Bornu-Kanuri origin born in the city of Makkah, she is a member of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication and has received the 2019 IUCN CEC Excellence Award for the West Asia Region. Aishah helped lead the 2017 Zawiyah Rosales symposium-retreat in Spain and delivered presentations to the 2010 WANA Forum in Jordan and for ICESCO at the 2016 Crans Montana Forum in Morocco. A Leave No Trace Master Educator, Aishah helped prepare the Arabic LNT Master Educator curriculum, and in 2009 served as Coordinator of Saudi Arabia’s national LNT Master Educator training program. In 2013, Aishah received a Conservation and Environmental Grant from the Ford Motor Company to design the first ecologically based wilderness leadership curriculum for the Arabian Peninsula. Her newest initiative is EmbraceTheEarth, an ecological leadership program.

Datuk Prof. Azizan Baharuddin


Azizan Baharuddin is the Director-General of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM). She is the Chair in Climate Change of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Yayasan Sime Darby (UKM-YSD), Honorary Professor of the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, Universiti Malaya and Member of National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs Malaysia. She was appointed as member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee and a member of the Drafting Committee of the International Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change (IDCC) launched in Istanbul (2015) in conjunction with the Conference of the Parties (COP21) – Paris Climate Change Conference. She specialises in several areas such as bioethics, interfaith/intercivilisational dialogue, Islam and science, environmental ethics & religion and sustainable development. She has published more than 200 books, book chapters, monographs, journal articles and newspaper articles in the above-mentioned fields.

Dr. Evren Tok

etDr. M. Evren Tok is Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Innovation and Community Advancement, Program Coordinator for Islam and Global Affairs Program at College of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University. He is the co-editor of Policy Making in a Transformative State: The Case of Qatar, published by Palgrave MacMillan, 2016. His recent publications “Global Governance and Muslim Organizations” published by Palgrave MacMillan and Innovating South-South Cooperation by University of Ottawa Press in 2020. He is the director of a QNRF funded cluster (2020-2025) entitled “SDG Education and Global Citizenship in Qatar”. He is the Lead Project Investigator for Qatar National Research Fund Priority Program for 3 years on “Localizing Entrepreneurship Education in Qatar”. He is the founder of the maker space entitled Maker Majlis: Islam in a Global World, which received Qatar Sustainability Award under Best University Initiative in 2020.

Dr. Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya

fmEnvironmentalist, author and senior lecturer at School of Graduate Program Universitas Nasional,  Chairman Centre for Islamic Studies Universitas Nasional, Fellow The Climate Leader Presenter. Visiting Fellow, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) 2018-2019. PhD in Environmental Management and Natural Resouces (PSL), Bogor Agricultural University. Drafting team for Islamic Declaration for Global Climate Change, Istanbul (2015). Advisory member of SiagaBumi (Environment and Interfaith in Indonesia). Member of IUCN-WCPA Specialist Group in Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas, Advisory Group Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology Yale School of Environment, Advisory Flight Foundation and SIAGA BUMI, Guarantee Kehati Foundation,  Advisory Council Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI)-Indonesia (www.drfachruddin.com).

Dr. Ibrahim Özdemir 

ioDr. Ibrahim Özdemir is a professor of philosophy at Uskudar University, Istanbul. He holds a Doctorate degree in philosophy from the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. His major is environmental ethics and environmental philosophy. 

He was part of the drafting team of the Islamic Declaration for Global Climate Change, 2015 and a Strategy Document for the Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers (ICEM), 02-03 October 2019 in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco. His most recent publications include The Ethical Dimension of Human Attitude Towards Nature, 2nd edition, Insan Publications: Istanbul, 2008; Jalaluddin Rumî and Confucius: Messages and Visions for a New Century, Tugra Books: New Jersey, 2013.

Shaykh Jafer Ladak 


Shaykh Jaffer Ladak was born and raised in Milton Keynes, UK. From 2005-2011 he served as Director of the DRC Group, a leading recruitment agency supplying medical staff to the NHS. After returning from Hajj in 2005, Shaykh Jaffer began his Islamic studies, spending time at Jaami’a Imam as-Sadiq (a) under Ayatollah al-Qazwini and Hawza Imam al-Jawad (a) under Grand Ayatollah Syed Taqi al-Modarresi in Kerbala, Iraq and Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham, UK.

Shaykh Jaffer holds a Masters in Islamic Law, with his dissertation on ‘An Islamic Theory of Global Citizenship’. He the author of four books: ‘The Hidden Treasure’ (a biography of Lady Umm Kulthum); ‘The Ways of the Righteous: 72 Inspirational Stories of Scholars’; ‘Baldatun Tayyibah: A History of Yemen from the Quran and Hadith’; A Star Amongst the Stars (the life and times of Jabir ibn Abdullah Al- Ansari). He has recently given a series of 15 lectures on Islam and the Environment and is working on translating it into a chapter for Islamic Jurisprudential Studies (Fiqh). He has also drafted a 5 year environmental plan for his Mosque, Hujjat Stanmore, which he is the Imam of.

Kamran Shezad 

ksKamran Shezad is the Director for the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES/EcoIslam), he is also the Sustainability Lead for the Bahu Trust and the Climate Change Advisor to the Mosques & Imams National Advisory Board, UK (MINAB).
A qualified environmental specialist with practical field and managerial experience in the sustainable development sector. He is a strong advocate of using faith based approach in promoting the message of environment and guiding behavioural change. Kamran is a grassroots environmental activist, he has worked with a diverse range of faith groups and has produced toolkits, practical guides and mobilised communities for climate action. Kamran holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Sustainability (Strategy & Management), he has been awarded ‘Chartered Environmentalist’ status by the Society for the Environment and is a full member of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment. Kamran is also currently serving on the Civil Society & Youth Advisory Council to the Presidency of COP26.

Prof. Odeh Al-Jayoussi 

okOdeh Al-Jayyousi is an author, professor and head of Innovation and Technology Management at Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain since 2015. He was a vice-president at Royal Scientific Society for Science & Research in Jordan. He worked as the regional director for IUCN – The International Union for Conservation of Nature - West Asia regional office during 2004-2011. He was a university professor in water resources and environment. He was an academic director for M.Sc. Programme in transformational management in UK. His research interests include Islam and sustainability, innovation, and strategic planning. He worked as a consultant with EU, UN-ESCWA, World Bank, GIZ and USAID.  He is the author of 3 books on sustainable development; renewable energy; and innovation. He was the Dean of Scientific Research at Applied Science University, Jordan. He is a founding board member in Jordan Green Building Council and FairTrade Jordan. A member of many think tanks and UN scientific advisory panel-GEO6. He won the award for the Scientists for Social Initiatives in 2014 and Global CSR in 2020.

Imam Saffet Catovic 

safImam Saffet Abid Catovic has been a long-time US Muslim Community Organizer/Activist and Environmental Leader. He is a member of the Parliament of the World's Religions Climate Action Task Force and Board of Trustees; He is also a member of the Statewide Clergy Council of Faith in New Jersey and also serves on their Board of Directors.  Saffet is a GreenFaith Muslim Fellow and serves as their Senior Muslim advisor; He is Co-founder and Chair of the Green Muslims of New Jersey (GMNJ); founding board member of the Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) Green Initiatives; consultant to the Drafting Committee of the Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change; founding member of the Global Muslim Climate Network (GMCN); Co-drafter of the FCNA (Fiqh Council of North America) "Fatwa" Religious ruling on fossil fuel divestment.  Imam Saffet serves as the Muslim Chaplain at Drew University where he also received MA in Religion and Society specializing in Religion and the Environment.

23 Jan 2025 Newsletter
Al-Mizan Speaks Eight Languages

Read Al-Mizan in your language! Read more

05 Dec 2024 Case study
An Introduction to Al-Mizan and Islamic Finance: FaithInvest FCI Forum

Islamic financial products are increasingly outperforming traditional investments and gaining mainstream traction. Islamic Finance offers a compelling example of faith-consistent investing (FCI) that not only aligns with ethical principles but delivers strong financial returns. FaithInvest’s next quarterly FCI Forum on December 5 takes a deep dive into Islamic Finance, and also explores how…Register

01 Oct 2024 News
Al-Mizan Sustainable Park in Jordan

For the ecosystem restoration of 3000 acres (12 KM2) by using Integrated Water Resources Management, water harvesting, Planting 50,000 trees, sustainable grazing, income-generating activities. Read more

06 Dec 2023 Video
The Faith Pavilion hosts Al-Mizan at COP28

IFEES and UNEP speak about Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth in the Faith Pavilion at COP28 Watch

06 Dec 2023 News
Al-Mizan at COP28

Watch this session hosted at the first Faith Pavilion at the UNFCCC COP Watch

30 Jan 2023 Audio
Faith-Fueled Action for the Earth

Podcast about Al-Mizan Read more

03 Oct 2022 Partner Article
Presenting Al Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth

A presentation of Al-Mizan by Uskudar University, analysing key principles and concepts in the Covenant Read moreA

20 Sep 2022 Case study
Call for Al Mizan | Islam & Climate Responsibility

Learn more about this capacity-building opportunity with insights about the implementation of Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth Read more

30 Jun 2022 Newsletter
Subscribe to receive Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Newsletters

Islamic Horizons is the flagship bi-monthly magazine of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) - the largest and oldest national Muslim umbrella organization in North America.  This premiere publication showcases ISNA’s activities, along with covering achievements and news about the North American Muslim community and beyond. To subscribe https://isna.net/SubscribeToIH.html…Read more

15 Jun 2022 News
Lunch of Ekopesantren (Eco-Islamic Boarding School) in Indonesia

The Ekopesantren (Eco-Islamic Boarding School) is a three year programme supported by The John Templeton Foundation (Islam Science and Society). JAKARTA - Pusat Pengajian Islam (PPI) Universitas Nasional (Unas), Jakarta luncurkan Program Ekopesantren yang bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan ajaran Islam dan ilmu pengetahuan terkait alam dan lingkungan dalam sistem pendidikan dan kegiatan di…Read more

24 Feb 2022 Emerging Issues
Workshop, Concept of 'Mizan' in Islamic Thought, Uskudar University

The concept of Mizan was evaluated by experts from different universities in Turkey at the Workshop on the Concept of “Mizan” in Islamic Thought, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Uskudar University. Read More

08 Feb 2022 News
Environmental Wisdom for Planet Earth

Join Scholars Drafting Team Member Datuk Prof. Azizan Baharuddin on 8 February 2022 for this Book Launch. Register: http://shorturl.at/bgnGL More

13 Jan 2022 Newsletter
Al-Mizan Newsletter in Turkish

Uskudar University is pleased to share the first Al-Mizan Newsletter in Turkish! More

15 Dec 2021 News
The making and message of Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth

Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir, Uskudar University, Istanbul joined the XVII. Muslim International Forum in Moscow, Russia and made a powerful presentation to religious leaders and heads of state about the need for Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth.   “We too believe that the world must recognize that climate change is one of the greatest moral, social and environmental issues facing…..

08 Dec 2021 News
Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth - The Consultative Process

On behalf of the Core Team & Co-authors of Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, UNEP Faith for Earth invited a diverse group of 250+ Islamic scholars and institutions to provide their feedback on the Covenant as part of the Consultative Process that closed on 20 September 2021. The feedback from these individuals and institutions was discussed in an in-person meeting graciously hosted by…More

16 Aug 2021 Opinion
Muslims are waking up: Allah sends rain to extinguish fires

Lauren Booth from SALAM interviews Ibrahim Ozdemir at Uskudar University in Istanbul, Turkey More

27 Jul 2021 News
Üsküdar Üniversitesi BM için hazırlanan “Al-Mizan: Dünya İçin Bir Sözleşme” Çekirdek Ekibinde

Küresel Isınma ve İklim Değişikliğinin sebep olduğu afetler dünyanın gündeminden düşmüyor. Son günlerde eşi görülmemiş sel felaketleri az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler kadar gelişmiş ülkeleri de etkiledi. Belçika ve Almanya’da yüzlerce insan hayatını kaybetti. Çin, Hindistan ve Sudan’ı da etkileyen aşırı yağışlar ülkemizde de Rize ve Arhavi’de maddi-manevi büyük zararlara sebep oldu. More

21 Jul 2021 Opinion
Interview with Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir on Environmental Protection: Faiths Matter

An interview on the topic on "Examining Environmental Protection from Inter-Faiths: Perspective and Why Faiths Matter" with Prof. Dr. İbrahim Özdemir and Prof Dr. Paul Ade Silva. More

28 Jun 2021 Series
Sustainability Talk Series 1/2021: “Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth”

The UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability at The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), together with the Sime Darby Foundation, Research Centre for Sustainable Process Technology (CESPRO) and in co-operation with the Institute of Climate Change (IPI), have launched a series of "Sustainability Talks" to raise awareness about the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration launched on World Environment 2021. More

25 Mar 2021 Story
Greening religion: New Islamic covenant for the Earth

“Mizan is designed to change that – and encourage Muslims to do all they can to safeguard the planet … In many places, we’re losing our connection to nature. Mizan will help provide a set of authoritative standards for Muslims to follow in their daily lives. We think it could be a game changer.” More

10 Feb 2021 Video
Interfaith Collaboration to Address Planetary Crises: A Podcast

On 10 January 2021, Dr. Iyad Abumoghli was featured in a podcast hosted by Cimpatico Studios to discuss the critical role that faith communities play in advancing environmental stewardship by sharing the vision and mission of Faith for Earth; The Initiatives early months; the value in living sustainable lifestyles; and a sneak peak into the work of Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth. More

03 Feb 2021 Newsletter

As part of its mission to empower faith-based organizations, UNEP's Faith for Earth Initiative has engaged prominent Muslim environmental scholars and institutions to positively impact the environmental attitudes of 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. This call to action, officially titled Al-Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, will be produced by the partnership of two teams. The Scholars Drafting…More

23 Dec 2020 Story
Religioni e crisi ambientale

Intervista a Iyad Abumoghli, che per UNEP e “Faith for Earth” si occupa di valorizzare il contributo che le fedi possono dare nell’orientare i comportamenti individuali e comunitari verso un uso sostenibile delle risorse naturali. Il progetto “Mizan” More

21 Dec 2020 Newsletter
Faith for Earth Newsletter (21 December 2021)

In an interview with Iyad Abumoghli, the Director of Faith for Earth, he outlines the importance of Mizan in encouraging the worlds 1.8 billion Muslims to embrace sustainability as part of their everyday lives, who are the partners, the process and how Islam and Muslim practices can save the planet and offer the world Islamic perspectives on sustainability and living in balance with nature. More

09 Dec 2020 Story
How a new initiative is mobilizing Muslims to help save the planet

Earlier this year, the Faith for Earth Initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched a global push to bring together Islamic institutions from around the world in a bid to combat pollution, climate change and other threats to the planet. Called Mizan, Arabic for “balance”, the charter is designed to showcase Islam’s teachings on the environment and spur the world’s 1.8…More

04 Dec 2020 Story

Pusat Pengajian Islam Universitas Nasional bersama dengan sejumlah cendekiawan dan lembaga Islam yang bekerja bersama dalam UNEP’s Faith for Earth, The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES) tengah mempersiapkan sebuah piagam lingkungan. More