
Type: Workshop

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27 results found

An introduction to the main obstacles for efficient and sustainable growth presented by biofouling in the marine aquaculture industry. The webinar will highlight the key impacts, and the different antifouling methods in use for the prevention and control of biofouling on finfish, seaweed and shellfish aquaculture. Speaker: Nina Bloecher, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Time: 9:00 am (GMT), 10:00 (CET), 12:00 pm (EAT), 4:00 pm (WIB), 5:00 (PHT)
Workshop Oceans & seas
Hosted by The Government of Jamaica through the Centre for Marine Sciences, University of the West Indies Kingston, Jamaica, the Interregional Workshop on the Use of Nuclear Techniques for Sargassum Control has the following objectives:-

Categorized Under: Oceans & seas , Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO workshop on "Mobilizing Indigenous and Local Knowledge Solutions: Addressing Climate Impacts and Vulnerabilities" the UNESCO-sponsored regional workshop “Mobilizing indigenous and local knowledge solutions: addressing climate impacts and vulnerabilities” provides a platform for a Caribbean-wide overview of how indigenous and local knowledge is used to address the impacts of climate change.
Workshop Oceans & seas

Categorized Under: Oceans & seas

Workshop Oceans & seas
The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) Invites You to a Webinar to Learn More about the Recently Developed “2018-2030 Civil Society Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ C-SAP)” Who’s invited:

Categorized Under: Oceans & seas , Latin America and the Caribbean

The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is collaborating with UN Environment, through the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (CAR/RCU), to develop a Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the CLME+.
The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is collaborating with UN Environment, through the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (CAR/RCU), to develop a Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the CLME+. As part of this initiative, a report on the State of Marine Ecosystems and shared Living Marine Resource in the Wider Caribbean and (CLME+ and Gulf of Mexico) is being prepared to set the context and establish a baseline for the regional strategy and action plan.

Showing 21 - 27 of 27