
Showing 121 - 137 of 137

137 results found

Tenth Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region - June 3 ,2019 The information note can be accessed here.

Categorized Under: Ecosystems , Latin America and the Caribbean

Workshop Oceans & seas

Categorized Under: Oceans & seas

Workshop Oceans & seas
The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) Invites You to a Webinar to Learn More about the Recently Developed “2018-2030 Civil Society Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ C-SAP)” Who’s invited:

Categorized Under: Oceans & seas , Latin America and the Caribbean

The purpose of the GEF IWEco 3rd Regional Project Steering Committee Meeting is to:- Provide a refresher on the objectives of the GEF IWEco Project and expected outcomes (based on Results Framework); Present financial status of the project, expenditures so far, and budget for the next year; Provide an update on the status of the project activities (Partners and Participating Countries to present); Present and discuss the Work Plan for 2019, communication and monitoring mechanisms;
The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is collaborating with UN Environment, through the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (CAR/RCU), to develop a Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the CLME+.
The Eighth Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region will be held in Panama on 5 -7 December, 2018.  This meeting proposes to review the achievements of the SPAW sub-programme during 2017- 2018 and to develop the workplan of SPAW for the 2019-2020 biennium. 

Categorized Under: Ecosystems , Latin America and the Caribbean

The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is collaborating with UN Environment, through the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (CAR/RCU), to develop a Regional Strategy and Action Plan for the Valuation, Protection and Restoration of Key Marine Habitats in the CLME+. As part of this initiative, a report on the State of Marine Ecosystems and shared Living Marine Resource in the Wider Caribbean and (CLME+ and Gulf of Mexico) is being prepared to set the context and establish a baseline for the regional strategy and action plan.
Conference Ecosystems
9th GEF International Waters Conference
The GEF Biennial International Waters Conference (IWC) is the signature event of the GEF IW Portfolio. The IWC objectives are to facilitate cross-sectoral and GEF IW Portfolio-wide learning and experience sharing. They strive to solicit advice from the existing GEF IW Portfolio on burning issues and to assist in building participant capacity in key management and technical areas. Participants sum up progress achieved and look to the future of programming within and beyond the GEF IW Focal Area.

Categorized Under: Ecosystems , Global

Conference Ecosystems
71st annual conference of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
The 71st annual conference of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) will be held in San Andres, Colombia from 5–9 November 2018. The meeting is being hosted by the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina.

Categorized Under: Ecosystems

Working Group Meeting Ecosystems
The Fourth Intergovernmental Review Meeting of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities will be held from Wednesday 31 October to Thursday 1 November 2018. 

Categorized Under: Ecosystems

Fourth Meeting of the Scientific, Technical and Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol concerning Pollution from Land based Sources and Activities in the Wider Caribbean

Categorized Under: Climate change, Pollution, Latin America and the Caribbean

Seventeenth Intergovernmental Meeting on the Action Plan for the Caribbean Environment Programme and Fourteenth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region.   

Categorized Under: Ecosystems , Latin America and the Caribbean

Third Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities (LBS) in the Wider Caribbean

Categorized Under: , Latin America and the Caribbean

Ninth Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean Region (SPAW), 13 March 2017

Categorized Under: Ecosystems , Latin America and the Caribbean

First Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-Based Sources and Activities in the Wider Caribbean (LBS) Photo Credit: Antoine GIRET on Unsplash
First Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region. 27-29 September 2001, Havana, Cuba.
First Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region Havana, Cuba, 24-25 September 2001

Showing 121 - 137 of 137