
Region: Global

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3 results found


Title: Ocean and Coastal Observation and Monitoring at scale: Co-Designing the value chain from data to impact through a partnership approach

Date & venue: Friday 1 July, 16-17.15 CET, Blue Area, Altice Arena, Room 2, in-person event

Categorized Under: Global


The “Building Back Bluer through Oceans” Special Session on SDG 14 “Life below Water” is part of the Green Future Session preceding the P4G Seoul Summit 2021. Effectively tackling plastic pollution and its impacts is dependent on improving urban solid waste management (Goal 11), with a systemic shift toward prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse of plastic products, in line with international frameworks (Goal 12), and also requires addressing wastewater as a vector (Goal 6).

Categorized Under: Global


The third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics will be held from 18-22 November 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting will be open to member States and accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders.

UNEP will provide the most direct economy class air ticket to the venue, as well as a per diem for the time in Bangkok, for participants from developing countries with priority given to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) with special vulnerabilities.

Categorized Under: Global

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